Example sentences of "her [noun] [verb] she [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While her investigations take her into history and communication networks , one sequence in particular carries metafictional implications .
2 Apart from the shock that her GP saw her in the same light as his aged mother , Marie has never looked back .
3 Her GP referred her to a hospital in Watford , North London , where she underwent laser treatment to try and prevent the damage from getting any worse — but it did n't help .
4 She had drifted off , and had been fast asleep for some hours when the sound of someone 's keeping their finger pressed on her doorbell roused her from a deep sleep .
5 Her sons kissed her on the forehead .
6 Stella tries to look after her sister showering her with compliements to try to get Stanley to ‘ understand her and be nice to her . ’
7 She must have been mad , totally and ridiculously mad , she thought , to have let her sister talk her into making this trip , alone .
8 Beatrice was married now , with a family of her own , and because times were hard her sister helped her with surreptitious gifts of money ; and with clothes , toys , and treats for the children .
9 There was a funny kind of tightness in her chest preventing her from breathing properly .
10 Her route took her along Wellingborough road , one of Northamptons busiest streets .
11 Her investments provided her with an annual income of well over a million dollars , in addition to the trusts and investments left to her directly by her husband .
12 Her mum got her into hospital but Sharon discharged herself . ’
13 Lisa , her Mum gives her about every Saturday she gives her a tenner , but if she 's going out she gets a lot of money right .
14 His hands moved to her shoulders to put her from him , then he released her abruptly before turning to walk along the path .
15 He smiled at her , and his hands came down on her shoulders to draw her towards him .
16 She felt his arm across her shoulders drawing her towards him .
17 Jezrael wondered whose memory was being replayed inside her mind to guide her through this metal rat-run .
18 But her mind presented her with two stiff figures lying side by side , not even holding hands , perhaps not even saying a polite goodnight .
19 She was aware of a prickly sensation along the back of her neck warning her of danger .
20 Her sisters-in-law excluded her from their gossip ; the servants behaved towards her with greater formality and at least once a day she was summoned to Dona Marguerita 's room to sit with her and listen to her talking about the family 's history and her hopes and ambitions for João .
21 So this is knocked off her £112.55 leaving her with £99.90 to pay .
22 He touched her breasts , briefly , as if her nakedness confirmed her as the victim .
23 Her legs brought her to a halt in front of a glass case containing a Leeds dinner-service .
24 Outside in her car she kept a tight grip on herself , refusing to let her humiliation reduce her to tears .
25 She hurried back to the dressing-tent , where her mummy helped her into her Gnome outfit , around which was swathed a broad white band on which was printed in big letters the Brownie Guide Motto , LEND A HAND .
26 So in Scout 's case , her innocence leads her through her childhood and because she is too young to understand fully the barrier between the different races she lives among , she is saved from the emotional torments other people suffer , but in Perk 's case her innocence leads her straight into a very touchy emotional situation and ends up suffering death , too young to understand why .
27 Her half-sister took her to the police .
28 As she watched him striding up the beach she tried to consider what he had said but with his loss the full weight of her grief hit her with a thud that stopped her eyes , her ears , her brain .
29 The sign of her barrenness filled her with depression , and as usual she could n't prevent an irrational moment of anger with Dmitri for being sterile .
30 His next letter offered her marriage to save her from the dreadful future of stripping off that she would be subjected to otherwise .
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