Example sentences of "make no [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 IBM Corp has made no secret that it believes super-fast communications will be essential to the medium-term success of machines like the RS/6000 , and the company has turned to one of the pioneers , San Jose , California-based Ultra Network Technologies Inc .
2 The Great Novel was still on the table , but had made no progress since she last saw it .
3 I 've always found the men that I 've worked with either it has made no difference that I was a woman so far as I was aware , or else they 've been very helpful .
4 The narrow inner door had been invisible in the uniformity of the panelling , and its latch had made no sound as it was lifted ; but suddenly there was a man framed in the doorway , a lean , wiry , lightly-built creature , stepping out of the wall with a conjuror 's aplomb and a deer-hound 's lanky grace .
5 She sat beside me and bathed and bandaged my knee but Aunt Louise made no sign that she realized what was going on .
6 A number of nineteenth and early twentieth century publishers , in response to public demand , employed special artists in this field and made no pretence that they were anything but modern .
7 Some of the things he said made no sense so they gave him a crack across the head and took him away .
8 It made no sense and I just swallowed .
9 He handed her a hamburger but made no indication that he had ever met Martin .
10 Her lips moved , but she made no sound that he could hear .
11 The carpets were deep and expensive , and they made no sound as they moved to the end of the hall .
12 Sarah smiled but felt embarrassed , so made no reply as she followed her mother .
13 Lucy made no reply as she turned away and went to where Matt was placing zipper bags of clothing for the men into the minibus .
14 Charlie made no reply and it was Jack who said , ‘ Why , have you ? ’
15 He made no reply until she was standing next to him .
16 Tutilo made no protest that he had been the one to cry murder , to invoke the law , to unloose the hunt after the murderer .
17 Driven beyond sense , she made no protest when he scooped her easily into his arms and strode deeper into the forest .
18 So she made no protest as they wriggled their way beneath the bushes and waited in tense silence for the approaching party to appear .
19 But he made no complaint and it was plain that he was determined to show what he could do and not to be left behind .
20 Chris and Patrick made no objection when he took their glasses to replenish them at his cocktail cabinet .
21 I made no comment and he looked disappointed .
22 It sounded suspiciously like a dismissal , but she made no comment as she left him finishing the task of putting away saddles and bridles .
23 She made no comment as she left court in a taxi .
24 If there was a man , it would make no difference whether he was Copt or Moslem .
25 So , but what I 'm saying is you 've got a twelve here and oh well that would n't make no difference cos she 'll have that back , that 'll be ready for them na yeah well then we got a twelve there as well !
26 The carpet on the stairs is thick and deep and I make no noise as I climb to the top , then pad along towards the master bedroom , tripping one more sensor .
27 Their howl will make the blood run cold , their footfalls make no sound and they leave a spoor like black gunpowder on the ground .
28 Make no comment as you go .
29 ‘ It 's very easy to make no decision because you can always find problems with a company .
30 It makes no sense as it is now , as neither of its collections can be displayed properly .
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