Example sentences of "make up [prep] different [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In organisational terms , a pluralist approach would suggest that organisations are made up of different groups each with access to the decision-making processes and with the ability to influence those processes .
2 Organisations may also be made up of different groups and professions and when these groups seek to assert themselves then the organisation may well be characterised by competition between groups .
3 These cause trouble because often the speller does not recognise that words can be made up of different bits brought together .
4 All SCOTVEC qualifications are made up of different combinations of :
5 e ) Can you draw this shape which is made up of different triangles ?
6 Each paradigm will regard the world as being made up of different kinds of things .
7 The term ‘ market segmentation ’ is based on the concept that most , if not all , markets are made up of different types of customers ie within each total market , there exist sub-markets which express distinctive product preferences compared with each other .
8 Bureaucrats are made up of different types of officials .
9 The assumption is that organisations are made up of different types of individuals who have different motives .
10 Everyone , I 'm sure , has a ‘ little black dress ’ type of pattern , by which I mean a perennial favourite that gets made up in different yarns and colours over the years for various celebrations , parties and so on .
11 But if a recognised and accepted scale of ranks were needed within a particular society it was just as essential within the international one made up of different states which Europe was increasingly becoming .
12 Parsytec will sell the single processing unit , about the size of two briefcases , and larger computers made up of different configurations of the blocks .
13 To some extent , this will be inevitable in any organisation made up of different individuals .
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