Example sentences of "make [coord] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At other times it is suddenly exciting , as a new discovery is made or a sensitive teacher initiates a new game just as the last activity begins to pall .
2 On the right , the advance was once more quickly halted before worthwhile gains could be made or a significant number of Germans captured .
3 Eventually ( in many cases ) the stage is reached where a commitment is made and a long-term partnership begins .
4 The purpose of learning , according to cognition theories , is to construct a number of organised detailed frames of reference held in a sufficiently flexible way to enable us to change from one to another when considering an event or problem so that the best judgment is made and a rational course of action is taken .
5 Tea had been made and a big cake like the one served in the library was cut up in thick slices on the table .
6 ‘ Without going into detail , for legal reasons , I can say that in respect of both republican and loyalist terror groups , a series of significant arrests have been made and a considerable number of murder and bombing missions intercepted and prevented .
7 It is 25 years since the first Awards were made and a fitting celebration has been planned : * Each winner in 1990 will receive a special plaque as a permanent mark of their success * A special set of four Royal Mail postage stamps will be issued in April , when the Awards are announced .
8 To overcome this templates were made and a structural engineer took constant vertical and horizontal measurements to plot the path of construction .
9 Some changes were made and a few concessions were wrung from the government .
10 But in that case , why could they not have called in the authorities and have the other fellows cleared out ? — only this would have made but a tame end to the story .
11 As the Japanese are at present constituted , accidents to life and limb would most certainly occur if trains made but a brief halt to entrain passengers .
12 Truly I make but a stammering companion , I have no graces , and as for the wit you may have perceived in me when we met , you saw , you must have seen , only the glimmerings and glister of your own brilliance refracted from the lumpen surface of a dead Moon .
13 If you want to add a drive of the same make but a different size you probably wo n't have any problems .
14 Obviously your personal situation will affect the choices you make but a sound principle to follow was laid down by William Morris who wrote ‘ have nothing in your home which you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful ’ .
15 Earlier in this chapter the three key elements of rational approaches were identified as : relating expenditure of funds to fulfilling organisational objectives , a zero-based approach to choice and decision making and a multi-year time horizon for budgetary decision making .
16 When examining the structure of local government and establishing the local government commission , one could not make any better start than the appointment of Sir John Banham as the chairman of the commission if one wants common sense , quality decision making and a tough-minded approach .
17 Last year , thanks to costly stars , the average film cost $26.8m to make and a further $11.6m to launch — plus , say , another $10m for overseas marketing .
18 That ford was going to make but a difficult crossing .
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