Example sentences of "get me [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They got me on the face , stomach and legs .
2 J. V. Night duty was what got me off the job .
3 Well you got me for the day today , cos I ca n't go now until I fetch the car .
4 So that got me over the turkey .
5 This list has , believe it or not , really got me in the mood for venturing back to see United — tommorrow should see me travelling up the M1 if I can get the transport arranged — and hopefully I 'll be seeing quite a few games throughout the season .
6 Maybe I mentioned about the fillings coming out on this side of my mouth and at the back , so I ca They took it out in my living room and hypnotized me to forget , hypnotized walking about in my sleep with it , to sleep , got me in the chair and done it , got out of the house , programmed me to go to that dentist in , which I did do instead of going to Mr at .
7 He was pulling him , trying to get him off me — he threw him — he just threw him at the bed — I knew he was all right , he were screaming but I could n't — they were both screaming , Cathy and Gary both , and he got me by the throat .
8 But at least he did n't spot that until he 'd got me on the committee . ’
9 But the trouble is he 's got me into the way of thinking
10 ‘ So , you 've really got me in the shit now , have n't you ?
11 I told him he could have some of the pills Richard had got me from the chemist yesterday .
12 ‘ As long as they get me past the post . ’
13 and I here 's me , what the fuck are you do do n't panic to help me up , just do n't panic just get me on the settee
14 Of course , if they get me on the phone , I 'm lost .
15 Get me to the Church on time
16 I 'll forgive you if you find me a taxi that will take me back to pick up my baggage and get me to the airport on time . ’
17 Then there was water all over the stairs and she 'd yelled ‘ Get me to the hospital ’ .
18 I think that one of the things that get me at the moment is the time keeping , it 's very bad
19 Get me off the hook , Preston .
20 " That gets me past the fear of what lies beneath . "
21 I 'm pleased you think that because it gets me off the hook now .
22 The Minister is naturally anxious to get me off the subject of the ’ Save our Schools ’ campaign , the No Turning Back group and his views on comprehensive education .
23 ‘ Well , I felt dreadful about it , and one morning I went to see my godfather at the Admiralty and begged him to get me into the Navy .
24 I should like to learn what , if anything , I can do here to enrol for any suitable course to get me into the business world or administration as I do not want to wait till I return to the UK , on leave , in mid-June till I begin finding out more about your courses .
25 To get me into the car so I let her come .
26 ‘ I find analysis essential to get me through the day .
27 ‘ Got some new tablets to get me through the Season supposed to be revolutionary — solve all problems . ’
28 I 'm the female lead , the hero has to get me at the end .
29 He said to me , ‘ Willie , just put a club in my hand that 's going to get me on the green .
30 ‘ She seemed pretty keen to get me on the team , ’ I said .
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