Example sentences of "get up [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I trust you , you 're not a fool , you know what could happen if you got up to some mischief out there , ’ and her fingers described general obloquy with a sweeping gesture of abolition , ‘ and then you 'll never get a husband either .
2 And now I come to think — ’ Miss Rose got up with some difficulty and crossed to an oak bureau .
3 Erm obviously all the information here in the get up of this session is copyright .
4 And when he thrust at her , still yelling , ‘ Get up into that house , there ! ’ and almost pushed her onto her back , the young fellow sprang forward and grabbed her ; then , with one arm around her and the other fist doubled , forefinger pointing out straight at the man , he cried at him , ‘ You lay another hand on her like that , mister , an' that 'll be the last thing you do . ’
5 They were indolent and addicted to a life of pleasure : ‘ They get up at any hour they choose , and go out and amuse themselves . ’
6 right , queen you 've got to find now , that 's enough , cor dear , you do n't have to cross it off so you ca n't see it Q U E E N get up on that chair you 're giving me headache keeping having to look round
7 Get up on this stage right now you bitch .
8 Yeah , but you do n't you do n't need anything different though , once you get up in that mountain environment , you got this bright sunny morning
9 He walks through there and he gets up on that shed at the bottom of the garden next door but one .
10 In my right hand was a small tray , and by tilting it in the breeze I found that I could obtain enough lift to get up to any height I wanted , and was soon soaring into the air , travelling at will .
11 A reader could make a number of inferences about this passage : Mary is female , more probably an adult than a child ; It is morning ; Mary does not want to get up for some reason ; Mary is in bed ; she lives in a house with a refrigerator ; the house is possibly in North America , and so on .
12 Who said ‘ P*** off , we do n't get up for another hour .
13 Maybe old people could still get up to that kind of thing .
14 Of course when he gets over the timidness he 'll probably get up to more mischief .
15 Well what did you get up to this morning in your few minutes of freedom ?
16 What shall we get up to this week ? ’
17 We did n't half get up to some mischief , I 'll tell you .
18 Chandos Herald , the Black Prince 's biographer , makes the prince reply to Charles V 's letter citing him to appear before the parlement of Paris by saying , ‘ Lords , by my faith it seems to me that the French think I am dead ; but if God gives me comfort , and I can get up from this bed , I will do them a great deal of harm even now , for God knows that they lack a good case , and they will have real cause to complain of me . ’
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