Example sentences of "get him [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Oh , I 've got him in at the play school you see , starts play school after Easter
2 They 've got him down at the station for questioning .
3 When at last Hazel had got him back to the ditch , he refused at first to go underground and Hazel had almost to push him down the hole .
4 Got him off with a fine . ’
5 ‘ Charles ’ had been friendly ever since Hazards Ltd had got him out of a jam in the D Saceur affair .
6 ‘ How did that kind of line get him on to the insulin project ? ’
7 Get him off to the rugby match or something . ’
8 I 've been sent here to find out what really happened and get him back to the States . ’
9 He began to speak out loud over the sound of the copious running water ; he congratulated himself for not crying in public , he congratulated himself for not getting hurt , for not letting himself be assaulted on the way home , for not letting anyone corner him or get him down on the floor or up against a wall but for keeping walking instead .
10 Get him out of the car . ’
11 I wish there was someone I could talk to about the problems — someone who 'd keep an eye on him and watch for him getting bad and get the doctor to do something , sooner ; someone who 'd help him with money , a job , get him out of the room for a bit , give us a break too .
12 The sooner I get him out of the hands of that teenage vixen , the happier I shall be ! ’
13 Get him out in the fresh air as much as you can cos
14 HUGH Laurie and Stephen Fry return to the screen for another six one-hour episodes of Jeeves and Wooster , the continuing saga of the upper crust twerp and his trusty valet who gets him out of no end of trouble .
15 It gets him out of the house , away from her — oh ! ’
16 With a considerable effort the men got him on to the stretcher , and Redpath noticed that his trouser pockets seemed to be bulging rather curiously .
17 We brought him here ou , he changed his clothes from his own suit into the pied piper and erm then we got him back to the Prince of Wales Theatre .
18 Said it got him out of the rut for a while .
19 It got him out of the house , gave him a bit of exercise , kept him young .
20 Tanya added : ‘ He sedated the dog before we got him out of the car .
21 If Ellwood went to the house , Zeno got him out of the place as fast as he could .
22 I got him out at an ice cream parlor after a while .
23 At last , with Greg 's help , they managed to get him on to a stretcher to which he was firmly secured with nylon strapping so that it was virtually impossible for him to move , then the stretcher was carefully lifted down from the jig and into the waiting ambulance .
24 He was making a wonderful recovery and in the few hours we were there we managed to get him on to an ambulance train — off to Myitkyina to be flown out to India .
25 I dashed out down the street to the pub to get him round to the cottage before Mr Vulcan changed his mind .
26 She was still trying to get him off with a nice society type .
27 Bloomsbury House helped to get him off with a warning , but there was no further contact .
28 You know because you , you sort of lost , she lost her track going in to that on how to get him back into the referrals .
29 How much would Donald need to get him back on the road ?
30 The person 's kept himself out of trouble so is it really right for us to get him back before the courts again ?
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