Example sentences of "get up and [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sanchez got up and they walked slowly back towards the pit .
2 Devlin got up and they walked out to the terrace .
3 She got up and they shook hands .
4 She got up and they completed a rather formal foxtrot amid the strange gyrations of the more experimental couples .
5 I got up and you know I swear I turned into Firmin for a moment and I said , ‘ Listen , Our Lady of Communications , I shall write and you will transmit as many fucking letters per day as I happen to feel like writing . ’
6 Well you know where Penny 's old desk were , where she sat looking up towards the , and Jenny sat there and Joan sat there , this Janet was sitting there and on that Friday morning when the phone had rung , well I got up and I went to go upstairs to take something or a fax coming for me or something , and as I went past Lynnette hit me on my shoulder and she said it 's me Pat , Pat she said it 's me , oh Pat I said what 's , what 's going on ?
7 so I thought you 'll probably give him a bottle when you got here anyway , so I was going to give him one , it all depends when he got up and I thought you 'll probably give him one so I did n't
8 oh well that was good , I 'm , I just thought though yesterday when I got up and I 've seen the weather , good grief Jimmy 's never gon na go out in this like you know
9 Er , and I got up and I protested about it , on the grounds that if they could n't run a great big pop hall for , and I wholly agreed with the idea , of of them providing the facility .
10 There was the board of governors sitting at the back on this cold grey Monday and I got up and I did some Shakespeare and by the time I finished , dawn was breaking .
11 yeah , well I was there the other day and erm the bell went and nobody sort of moved and I thought I think , I know , you know , so I got up and I washed me cup of tea like , you know , they looked at me as if you know oh there 's a keen , but I mean I do think it 's important to do that , because not only that it 's not fair for the
12 And he got up and he got on another bed !
13 I got up and he knocked me down again .
14 And this lad got up and he says , I get thirty one pound social security .
15 She slept as the wind got up and he drove with leaves whirled against his windscreen .
16 Elizabeth had won the essay competition and was just about to stand up when Jessica got up and she walked up to Mr and she asked and he asked her what magazine she wanted for the year and she said Rock Seventeen Jessica knew what magazine Elizabeth wanted and she just said Rock Seventeen .
17 And when I asked yo and when I said to her , you were in toilet she got up and she ran across there !
18 You sit there , then you get up and you walk to one end of your cell , which is n't very far , stand there for a little while , then you walk back , look out the window , and all the thoughts go through your mind — I could be out there , your children , friends , what you 'd be doing if you was out there .
19 But of course , I mean , we know little about it they do say if you have had a heart attack it 's no good you know , as soon you get up and you start eating going for five mile walks
20 Then you start reading a book , but you ca n't get into it , so you get up and you tidy your cell again , and you read the book again , tidy your cell again , you know , just to keep your mind occupied because if you do n't …
21 And he gets up and he goes get off !
22 So Jesus when he sees their situation , he 's not concerned by the storm by the way , he 's not put out by that because he knows he 's going to the other side , but for the sake of them he gets up and he speaks the word , Jesus he said , peace .
23 And when he gets up and he 's got to do this and he 's got to do that , !
24 six weeks of not having to get up and you got ta go .
25 Like lying in bed in the morning when they call you to get up and you lie there , listening to the noises in the street below , wondering whether you 'll ever get up and join them .
26 I started to walk a way out of the main bedroom and I heard P C say words to the effect of get down and I turned round to see what was going on and the man was trying to roll over to get up or that 's what I thought , erm not kicking or or fighting or anything but just to me it looked as though he was going to get up and I went back and with my hands just pushed down onto him and said stay there , it will all be explained er and then walked away .
27 To get up and I saw it was useless .
28 I suppose you get days when you feel you get up and you 've got to do the same old things — you get bored , you 're stuck in the same routine .
29 I help him get up and he stamps his leg so it goes on proper .
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