Example sentences of "get up and [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I got up and you know I swear I turned into Firmin for a moment and I said , ‘ Listen , Our Lady of Communications , I shall write and you will transmit as many fucking letters per day as I happen to feel like writing . ’
2 oh well that was good , I 'm , I just thought though yesterday when I got up and I 've seen the weather , good grief Jimmy 's never gon na go out in this like you know
3 You sit there , then you get up and you walk to one end of your cell , which is n't very far , stand there for a little while , then you walk back , look out the window , and all the thoughts go through your mind — I could be out there , your children , friends , what you 'd be doing if you was out there .
4 But of course , I mean , we know little about it they do say if you have had a heart attack it 's no good you know , as soon you get up and you start eating going for five mile walks
5 Then you start reading a book , but you ca n't get into it , so you get up and you tidy your cell again , and you read the book again , tidy your cell again , you know , just to keep your mind occupied because if you do n't …
6 Like lying in bed in the morning when they call you to get up and you lie there , listening to the noises in the street below , wondering whether you 'll ever get up and join them .
7 I suppose you get days when you feel you get up and you 've got to do the same old things — you get bored , you 're stuck in the same routine .
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