Example sentences of "get [adv prt] [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So what they says is that I , I got on at this wall , jumped across onto this other wall , shinned up the outside of this other wall , stood on top of this the first floor wall and jumped up and caught hold of the top of the second floor wall and he reckon in the la about fucking twenty odd seconds , I was up and over and in , they , they , they fucking kill yourself , get down , I ca n't remember none of it .
2 Since they had got in with this crowd , she had not felt very happy .
3 I would n't be at all surprised to find them camping on your doorstep , once they get on to this story .
4 ‘ The only way a girl like you gets on in this world is if she has something worth selling .
5 Mum was getting on by this time and her own health was n't excellent , and I moved to Manchester so we could be near the RMCH where they do a vast amount with CF. We hired a retired nurse to act as housekeeper and she did his physio when I was n't there , and between us we managed to keep him going . ’
6 Got the old watering can and then you get down on this plant , and then when they get a gist of that first time that they go whooo , you wake up in the morning , you 've got co , conifers like Jack and The Beanstalk coming
7 I expect SHe hardly gets off on this stuff .
8 And he gives it to him and the man goes and he goes what ? and he goes and he goes what ? and he goes and he goes what ? and he goes and he goes what ? and he goes and he goes get off of this train , now !
9 Erm obviously all the information here in the get up of this session is copyright .
10 Get up on this stage right now you bitch .
11 But what happens to those families when they 've been housed and they gradually improve their position , do we send our officers down and say ah , you 've got some money in the bank now , you 're not in need , get out of this council house we 're gon na give it to somebody else .
12 Get out of this habit of making digs about people .
13 He knows he 's got to grab what he can and get out of this town fast .
14 Get out of this reality and off this fucking planet ! ’
15 Now get on with your work or get out of this classroom .
16 Get out of this car .
17 That is , ’ he said hoarsely , ‘ if we ever get out of this bedroom again . ’
18 ‘ I will be , soon as I get out of this place .
19 She could hear the regretful , gentle voice of Mother Francis telling her that life was never meant to be easy and that her best course was to work very hard now and get out of this place in record time .
20 ‘ Lee , get out of this house . ’
21 Get out of this house , Lee .
22 Get out of this house , Charlie !
23 If she wants whatever it is she gets out of this relationship , no one can deny she 's entitled to it .
24 By the time I get back to this dump we 're staying in I 've decided to say nothing to Rachel .
25 ‘ We 're getting out of this nightmare . ’
26 ‘ I try to answer the question — If I were here , what would I be getting out of this experience ? ’
27 The adventurers will probably want to go through the usual routine of tipping the earth out of the coffin , smashing it , and suchlike , but then they have the pressing problem of getting out of this room .
28 If you could tell me what I 'm getting out of this turmoil I would be pleased to hear it . ’
29 She was getting out of this house for a while , she told herself with a resigned sigh .
30 Considering the disruptions Forest have had to er undergo here they 're getting back into this game impressively at the moment .
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