Example sentences of "so when i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , current speaker will next speaker by name , so when I speak to you and I call your name , you know that I am talking to you .
2 So when I said to Bob this morning was it Bob , I said do n't I do n't have a magic wand that 's gon na get rid of them but what I hope I 'm gon na give you over these two days is a system whereby you can use that and can support you so you 're able to effectively present despite having the nerves and be able to put over your point of view effectively , yeah ?
3 and so when I heard about taking on girls again , on the railway
4 I got to cross the road — I remember that , so when I get to a gate I go out and have a look round .
5 So when I went into labour I had n't really thought about whether or not to have an epidural .
6 er and Sharon never alt er cancelled that , well they come out and they said they 'd had Chinese flu so when I went into and had me chest done , I says I 've got the flu like , she says yeah she said I says I , I know , I said they 've got that Chinese flu she 's be
7 So when I went for my regular eye check-up I had no idea that anything was wrong .
8 Someone from a hostel in London came to see me and said they would have me , so when I went to court in Sheffield the judge decided to put me on bail for four weeks , on condition that I stayed at the hostel and that I did n't drink , and also if I attended the Jules Thorn psychiatric unit , which is part of St Pancras Hospital , for a ten-day assessment .
9 So when I went inside the station , I told him where I was .
10 So when I walked in here and caught sight of the painting on your wall , naturally I responded to its presence ! ’
11 Well I I was eleven but by the time but I had a birthday , you see , er in the summer and er er well August actually and so when I started at Stowmarket I was twelve , you see , and er and er I was at Stowmarket School and scholarship for four years and er well I do n't know whether I really liked school , did you ?
12 So when I look at the books now and I see all the symbols and all the stuff they do , I think ‘ Well , I 've already played this , and I 'm not really interested in reading it ! ’
13 So when I look in someone 's sore throat I am looking for signs of inflammation and enlarged glands .
14 So when I stumbled against him and threw my arms round his neck he just stood there , unmoving except for a slight step backwards to keep his balance — though I thought I felt his hands touch my waist for just an instant as if they had made an automatic move to hold me which he had cancelled .
15 So when I appeared on the scene and there were things about me which did n't stack up … well , it was a reasonable conclusion to arrive at .
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