Example sentences of "so it [is] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Because this is so it is unnecessary to make extravagant claims ; the provision of a multimedia library , with the fullest integration of catalogues and shelves , and the finest collection of viewing and listening equipment , still meets only questions 1,2,3,6,7 and 8 .
2 The full information about the structure of space–time is embodied in the metric equation , and so it is reasonable to expect that the connections should be functions of the metric coefficients .
3 The Riemann curvature tensor ( rank 4 ) quantifies space–time curvature , and so it is reasonable to expect that should be a contraction of the Riemann curvature tensor .
4 A proportion of the X-ray pulsars , which are near relations of the black holes , are members of binaries , and so it is reasonable to expect that some stellar black holes should be bound to a visible star .
5 There is , of course , one important difference , namely , that in the latter case the meaning options are paralleled by differences of form , and so it is easy to individuate and enumerate the elements from which the choice must be made .
6 So it is futile to try to define the homosexual sensibility according to the standards of conventional sensibility : first because the latter has sought to exclude the former ; second because , in retaliation , the former has often worked to undermine the latter and , in the process , challenged the very nature of the aesthetic , fashioning in the process new and sometimes oppositional mutations of it .
7 So it is good to have these idiomatic recordings to remind us of just how good a pianist he was : in both the Concerto and the Rhapsody , rock-solid technique serves real musicality , and this CD would be worth acquiring on the strength of the Gershwin works alone .
8 So it is helpful to understand what such registers consist of and how you create them .
9 So it is surprising to discover that the substance of Proofs was indeed a three-page essay in Granta — especially when one considers the puritanical intellectual rigour that characterises Steiner 's literary style .
10 So it is possible to refer to a contextually prominent woman as she , the first time she is mentioned in a conversation .
11 So it is possible to kill large numbers of rabbits that are doing a massive amount of crop damage by this method and by no other .
12 So it is possible to deduce more about the course of evolution from the study of vertebrate skeletal remains than is possible with most invertebrate groups , but even now , many mysteries remain .
13 So it is possible to deduce swimming habits in fossil bivalves by comparison with the living forms .
14 So it is possible to meet my standards for a quality basic marine system for below £250 and it was time to go cap in hand with a swift apology to the PFK Editor for doubting his judgement .
15 Even so it is possible to exaggerate the contribution of party groups to the policy-making process .
16 So it is possible to have more efficient use of energy but an increase in output from the sector which produces the most carbon dioxide .
17 These two groups of animals are quite unrelated , but both still have living representatives in the oceans , and so it is possible to look at living animals to help with the interpretation of fossil examples .
18 So it is possible to look for ways of ordering our responses to technology and resource allocation in a morally responsible way ; and , being possible , it is our duty to do so .
19 Development of the productive forces is the basis for human development in general and so it is necessary to examine every fact of social life with this in mind .
20 To do so it is necessary to examine the origins of our literary expectations which so frequently assume that the best literary experience deals with individuals capable of making moral distinctions and to question the pejorative critical formulations which tend to accompany assessments of characters as vehicles for ideas : caricature , static , incompletely realised , and so on .
21 And so it is necessary to ask how we are to transform the distinction commonly drawn between arts and sciences , or perhaps replace it , deep though it goes in the structure of our educational curriculum .
22 So it is necessary to change panel membership to stop conditioning from becoming too strong and this can add greatly to the cost of operating the panel .
23 It is very important to keep the Star Zoo alive and so it is necessary to keep it secret .
24 It may be contended that members of parliament wish to ask questions in the House when major aircraft accidents occur and so it is necessary to have a particular minister to give the answers .
25 The difficulties they faced were that the earth 's climate is controlled by many factors and so it is necessary to separate out their relative importance in order to reveal the change in climate resulting from increasing greenhouse gases .
26 So it is necessary to try to find an explanation for the continued existence of the stateless image among Zuwaya , and for its periodic episodic salience , its power to determine action in a modern state .
27 So it is misleading to say that camp is the gay sensibility ; camp is an invasion and subversion of other sensibilities , and works via parody , pastiche , and exaggeration .
28 So it is misleading to suggest , as many psychologists and sociobiologists are prone to do , that these mechanisms are necessarily the prime mechanism affecting awareness and action .
29 So it is essential to memorise your line of ascent as far as is possible , piecing together its major features and landmarks , even the times taken for each section , so as to smooth your downward passage .
30 So it is essential to check with your travel agent or bank on your destination 's quirks and then think about other possible needs , as money may not be your only consideration .
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