Example sentences of "so much so [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Once loudly and publicly proclaimed , death has become private , secret , almost shameful : so much so that nobody of any age wants to talk about it .
2 Dutch Edam is well known and much loved in Britain for its mild flavour and appeal on the cheeseboard — so much so that its versatility for use in cooking is sometimes forgotten .
3 Whether offensive or defensive strategies are being reassessed , the Gulf War has brought home the fact that automation has become the cornerstone of virtually all new military systems — so much so that we are moving steadily towards a fully automated battlefield .
4 This motif was used on the air every day and we rang all possible changes on the ‘ we 're being done in by the big bogey-man ’ theme , so much so that we had some of our faithful old lady listeners actually in tears .
5 Coordination and balance will be severely affected so much so that we hold ourselves rigid in order to avoid falling over .
6 We learn such skills from our mothers , midwives , books and from our own inner promptings , and as we use them they become absorbed into everyday life , often so much so that we no longer realize just how much we have learnt and are capable of ; in fact , we only take notice of the areas in which we feel that we fail .
7 Now practically all the flux lines are funnelled into the magnetic material so much so that we are entitled to regard both H and B as being zero outside the magnetic material .
8 Our yachts are well maintained , so much so that we offer generous guarantees of compensation if rare failure immobilises you for a day .
9 But not so much so that we 'd junk a permanent commitment to a man in order to keep on our job .
10 This means that they must on no account fail us , just as , to take a different level , the woman whose beauty we find captivating must be seen to maintain her attractions : so much so that we ‘ will ’ her to display a beauty that she does not always possess , or perhaps has never possessed .
11 Our initial impressions of Utopia are very positive , so much so that we 're going to install the application to log all the Windows related problems , hints , tips and fixes encountered via this column .
12 So much so that we took out insurance er if it went over twenty percent we were covered .
13 ‘ It 's just like a piano and so much so that we have n't even got one at home and I did n't practice on one before the competition I can just switch to playing it instead of a piano , ’ said Lisa .
14 cos is southern Italy and it was nice and sunny during the daytime , so much so that we were walking about in just T-shirts er and all the Italians that came to us said , ye well language , what on earth are you doing without your er sweater
15 So much so that their warm-ups , conducted in brief escapes from the treatment room , have been dubbed ‘ around your body in 80 seconds ’ .
16 In the post-war period , both Weber and Schumpeter 's ideas considerably influenced pluralist theory , as we noted above ( pp. 51 — 3 ) , so much so that their fundamental acceptance of elite theory patterns of argument was often ignored or lost sight of .
17 The Woodvilles ' power , by contrast , was almost entirely derivative , so much so that their identification with the prince was more of a bulwark for them than vice versa .
18 The Woodvilles ' power , by contrast , was almost entirely derivative , so much so that their identification with the prince was more of a bulwark for them than vice versa .
19 Cornwall was particularly prone to revivals , so much so that their occurrence suggests their functional role was one of periodic recruitment to and consolidation of the membership .
20 In time , plants were domesticated and selected so that they differ greatly from their wild ancestors , some so much so that their ancestors can not now be recognized .
21 So much so that they are seen as ‘ natural . ’
22 During the 1980s these quasi-government agencies became a convenient means of off-balance-sheet financing ; so much so that they have now amassed nearly $1 trillion-worth of obligations underwritten by the American taxpayer .
23 Her parents remained adamant , so much so that they consulted Granny Patin concerning the wording on their daughter 's tombstone .
24 So much so that they are convinced that very many of the problems that they deal with are unemployment related .
25 Healthy children have lots of energy as a rule , so much so that they can wear out their poor unhealthy parents !
26 Consequently , the man in the Kaduna street who watches an NTV report , hears the same story over the state radio and then reads about it in three or four daily papers receives several interpretations of the same event which are very different from one another — so much so that they may appear to be reports of separate events .
27 The better nurserymen pride themselves on their packing , so much so that they often advise you to leave the plants in the packing when planting is delayed , and to lay them up in a cool garage or shed .
28 The newspaper became embarrassed ; so much so that they ran a follow-up feature called ‘ Lest We Forget ’ .
29 Those values and that conception of society have permeated the American consciousness , so much so that they have largely gone unstated .
30 So much so that they would rather live in a UK which seems set to have permanent Tory government than an independent Scotland which would almost certainly be Socialist .
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