Example sentences of "so much that he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At the point where in her first aria the prima donna expected from him an angry gesture , he exaggerated his anger so much that he looked as if he was about to box her ears and strike her on the nose with his fist .
2 Despite the rumour that he could fly , all this really meant for Henry was that he was in the saddle so much that he suffered from sore legs .
3 Procter 's anger at this annoyed Lloyd so much that he told his captain he was going to hit him over the pavilion ; and he did just that — next ball .
4 He liked the Latin name so much that he made up a sort of rhyme about it and chanted this as he went upstairs :
5 He was coughing so much that he made himself sick .
6 If he lifted a piece of chalk or opened a book , it usually tired him out so much that he spent the rest of the lesson dozing .
7 And often , says Penny Mansfield , it 's not so much that he falls in love with another woman but he 's at a stage in life where he wants some diversion .
8 This impressed Boulton so much that he asked Murdock to call again .
9 Let's go there tomorrow , she 'd suggested , and then talked about her previous visits , enthusing about the place so much that he grew quite determined to dislike it .
10 On one of his recent trips they had frightened him so much that he dropped his food and had to watch helplessly while they devoured every last scrap of it .
11 It was not so much that he had anything against people in general , more that he saw no purpose in deliberately setting up occasions on which you stood around trying to think of something to say .
12 In the same year Darwin set sail on the Beagle taking with him Lyell 's " Principles " and read it so much that he had to ask the ship 's carpenter to rebind it in wood .
13 It was n't so much that he had confirmed her fears , it was his tone she found infuriating .
14 And if that word , if that tiny little word did n't really mean anything , why did it hurt so much that he had n't used it ?
15 She 'd been convinced he respected her so much that he had intentions of a more permanent nature .
16 Well , my gran had told me that she 'd gone down to see her friends who 'd get the Brown Lion after them by this time and er I decided to go down and tell them as I could see if they had n't got the radio on they would n't have known so as I walked from Burchells down Road I could see doors throwing open lights were coming on , people were coming out in the street and dancing and I got round down to the Brown Lion and it was all in darkness , and I rang the bell on the side door and I heard a few bumps and bangs and Mr who 'd kept it then came to the door , and I said do you know the war 's over and er he said oh no come on in that 's w now his son was a prisoner of war and they had been , he 'd continually tried to escape so much that he had his photograph taken in the Sunday paper , the , the Germans had had kept chaining him to the wall and other prisoners , other soldiers had got these photographs of him and smuggled them out and got them back to England , to the nearest papers , and er he he 'd said to my nan cos he knew she 'd always worked behind the bar , he said will you serve if I open the pub now , which was about eleven o'clock at night and she said yes of course , and the they opened the Brown Lion at about eleven o'clock at night in next to no time the place was full of people drinking , celebrating and of course the next day was really it .
17 Brutus says that Caesar 's feelings have never moved him so much that he had lost his sense of reason .
18 The thought appalled him so much that he went into the attic and slid back into bed without saying anything more to either of them .
19 His toes were aching so much that he went upstairs very slowly , walking flat-footed to avoid bending his tingling ankles .
20 He adored Coronation Street so much that he wrote mock scripts for the show and began a correspondence with the show 's producer Leslie Duxberry .
21 His much loved wife , Anne of Bohemia , died in 1394 , and this affected him so much that he felt everyone and everything was against him .
22 In fact he had worried about it so much that he felt now that he had done it all .
23 She had aroused him so much that he wanted to take her here and now , on the ground .
24 During the First World War , a mongrel called Prince missed his soldier owner so much that he hitched a lift across the channel and searched until he found his master in the trenches — a journey of several hundred miles .
25 George II liked it so much that he reared 3,000 birds in Richmond Park for his Christmas guests .
26 Then came The Competition , from the set of which filtered reports of tantrums , culminating in Dreyfuss hating the finished film so much that he refused to promote it .
27 Luke hated his alcoholic steel worker dad so much that he refused to use his real Christian names Coy Luther because he was named after him .
28 He hated her so much that he refused even to see her as a person .
29 He liked it so much that he decided to laugh .
30 They they took the mickey out of him so much that he cried .
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