Example sentences of "so i [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So I went to bed with her too .
2 So I went to bed and I had to get up and get dressed and go and pick him up
3 So I went to night classes at the college to do O levels .
4 And so I went to sea for the second time .
5 So I went to sea .
6 So I went to work for Tom Purtzer , who was thrilled to win the 1984 Phoenix Open in his hometown .
7 So I went to work to the old market place in the high street when it was an old market an open market you know where McKays is now , McKays whatever .
8 Oh I so I went to work yesterday nearly killed me !
9 The only other thing I knew about was racing so I went into bloodstock . ’
10 So I went in person to enquire what had happened to it , and after several more weeks heard that a first edition of fifty thousand copies was being printed .
11 So I went by coach to the old town , as I had done so many times before , and walked to the forge .
12 So I sued for breach of contract .
13 And so I had to sort of go round the room and say I 'm Tony and this is , and go all round , and I got round the room .
14 Half five this morning letting the dogs out in the back so I said to hell with it , I 'm not going to bed again !
15 So I asked for help ; I did n't like doing it but it seemed necessary .
16 I 've actually the last time I got some delivered for me was February so I tend to sort of get something about once a month I think .
17 government , it it 's various years so I hate to sort of say , ah well council taxes cuts will be a bit lower er with the conservatives going to be an argument which is but halfway to equal counties so I think we can sort of discount really what the conservatives say but I will say the liberal democrats are to be .
18 erm so I mean for example with something like statistics that covers different techniques and activities from , you know , different books erm something like erm something like social most of it comes out of that which is a thing we did because people were experiencing difficulty with it so we thought well right we 'll , we 'll , we 'll sort of anchor the syllabus mostly to , you know , one particular book erm so different , different staff use different techniques , some people ha have drawn on a whole variety of things and , and , and some people have just drawn on one erm I think the main priority is to try and do some coursework though in your case erm
19 So I set to work learning Italian intensively , because I continued to feel , and increasingly felt , that anything that could help to keep Italy out of any war that might take place , ought to be done .
20 So I looked at sheet , I said it 's opposite Queen 's Road .
21 So I go to bed .
22 Yeah he 'd got some letters , apparently he were going to Post Office later for stamps and everything and er got this letter and seeings I 'd only got three he give me his , give me twenty four pence for a stamp so I walked to Post Office , I thought well I do n't want no penny or tuppeny stamps .
23 So I packed in art school .
24 So I cried in self-pity , and after watching me , you put your arms around me , as mothers and as lovers do .
25 So I sat at home here in Haworth , with Aunt Branwell , my son , and the little girl , Anne .
26 So I sat in bed with a slice of bread and jam in one hand and a watch in the other , trying to time the pains .
27 So I stopped in bed now I , I 'm better , well
28 So I run into bathroom picking me sweatshirt up as I 'm running in got , had me hands and face washed out again into bedroom , got me trousers and me other jumper on and me pan knickers , I said I 'm ready .
29 So I graduated from watcher to player and clapped as the sons and the Omani drummers played and sang .
30 So I talk to mine every time I approach the hutch .
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