Example sentences of "so that they [vb base] not " in BNC.

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1 Ensure that your fingernails and toenails are clean and are cut short so that they do n't pose a danger to the opponent .
2 Nowadays , the machines chew up the hedge trimmings so that they do n't require burning ; you just plough them in .
3 John likes to keep the horses separate so that they do n't kick each other , but Hopscotch often jumps into Milton 's paddock to keep him company ; and sometimes if the weather is bad , one of the children 's ponies is turned out with him , otherwise Milton , who is a bit of a softy , will hang around by the gate in the hope that someone will take pity on him and take him back to his warm stable .
4 This will not necessarily stop the Not-OK feelings but it at least contains them so that they do n't damage the transaction .
5 Our bodies use these fat cells and the connective tissue as a kind of storehouse for waste products and because these particular fat cells are metabolically less active than other cells in the body they make an ideal location for whatever toxic waste products the body would like to keep out of the way so that they do n't pollute the bloodstream .
6 Controlling body language and voice so that they do n't convey self-importance also helps .
7 Young trees should be staked until they are well established , but check the ties at least once a year , so that they do n't bite into the rapidly expanding stem , and damage the tree .
8 These are held to the wall with a screw and wall plug , and are then covered with mortar so that they do n't show .
9 To make them easier to serve , we 've firmed up the mixture with a few fine cake crumbs so that they do n't melt the moment they hit room temperature .
10 Erm , but following on from that , wherever we change layouts now we try and be very specific about organizing the cable management up front and , so that they do n't present any hassles .
11 I like to think I 've been helpful to somebody else , so that they do n't make the same mistake as I made , or so that they know the responsibilities they 're taking on if they do have the baby .
12 I mean , does it really bore them ( so that they do n't need it at all in their lives ) or does it secretly shock and dismay them , so that they have to pretend to be bored ?
13 That 's why the windows of the houses are so small — so that they do n't have to see where they 've been working all day long .
14 You know so that they do n't make other produce cheaper so that .
15 He walks in front , holds back branches , waiting for her so that they do n't whip back in her face .
16 I mean them they 're designed to er so that they do n't slip or anything .
17 Do they not let the stable lads know so that they do n't have an advantage over picking a winner ?
18 Oh yes it 's , it 's been changed a lot and a , and er , it 's made such a difference and I 've met er , I 've got a er fr a very good friend who 's , who 's a Red Cross young man who I met at Leah Manning and he takes me out in the car which I would n't , never get out otherwise because my boys are all working you see they ca n't , they 're busy working and erm do shift work and security work , one 's got his own security business and the other one 's got a factory in Bishop 's Stortford so that they do n't get much chance , they work away , some of them do that they can not get to take me out see , so he takes me out , which he 's very , very good you know , he 's , yesterday he took me to erm , yesterday we , he took me to Ongar to see his sister in the bungalow and then he took me for a meal at erm The Chariot at er , at Brentwood , Brentwood , yes Brentwood The Chariot , it was quite nice I had rather , a good time , erm cos usually I ca n't get out unless I go out in the wheelchair you see I 'm confined to a wheelchair , though I struggle out into the kitchen with me two sticks and I 've got a stool in there that I do all my own cooking and I make cakes and that and I 'm doing a cake gon na make a cake for Christmas for me brother and make a cake , er another one for myself like , but , and then I go to my erm daughter-in-law 's to spend Christmas Day and then I , I 'm going to my son 's and spend Boxing Day which is my birthday , I 'll be seventy four on Boxing Day I 'm dreaded to say , yeah , but erm , this young man that takes me lives in Northbrooks , he 's er a widower , but he 's very , very good , he helps all us old people , you know , he 's ever so good he is to me , he comes up and brings my shopping today , does my shopping for me as well , so , well he 's , yes , he 's most kind , for , nearly two years I 've know him , that 's a photo over there , it was taken at a wedding look , of my , that 's it , over there , taken at a wedding dear , very good
19 Could you put her blanket in the the seat just so that they do n't get little bits of cotton in it she might um breathe them in .
20 They ought to make it so that they do n't have a car that goes above twenty five mile an hour I reckon !
21 Well there 's no question but which therapists and people of medical profession have come across cases of people who have indeed been scarred for their whole lives and and found it very difficult to maintain trust and relationships and and be able to achieve their potential as a result of the sorts of situations that they endured , and perhaps we 're more understanding about those sorts of areas of the human need to be able to express anxiety and to feel that to express fears is is not something that 's going to overwhelm people that are around us , so that adults who are in the care of children , be they teachers , or parents , or child care workers , can allow children to express their feelings so that they do n't need to hold on to them and thereby increase the fears that they have .
22 What is required , he wrote , is to find an outlet for those energies , for those needs and desires , so that they do not turn inward and rend you to pieces , an outlet , he wrote , but never to imagine that what we do is ever going to be an everlasting achievement .
23 Lay the fruit stem uppermost on shelves or in shallow boxes so that they do not touch each other .
24 He said the NHS should address itself more to the needs of cancer patients so that they do not feel they have to go outside the system .
25 Insert sausage-shaped rolls of acid-free tissue paper in folds , so that they do not become permanent — caused , as a microscope would show , by fibres cracking .
26 But the parishes , and the parish missions , were central to the care of souls ; and their ministers ought always to be refreshing themselves in the truths of the Christian faith , so that they do not slip ‘ into versions of it which miss its height and depth and wonder ’ ; and those ministers ought always to make room in their lives for silence and the chance of realizing their nearness to eternity .
27 Meals also have to be modified so that they do not produce a rhythmic input to the body .
28 Dips should be fairly thick so that they do not drop off accompanying crudités , and fillings for pastry parcels and buns should be firm if the food is likely to be bitten and not eaten in one mouthful .
29 If you grow clematis on roses , choose varieties like C. viticella which can be cut back so that they do not inhabit rose pruning .
30 Most bivalves with siphons develop a gape at one end of the valves , so that they do not close entirely in the region from which the siphons protrude .
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