Example sentences of "so that [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This occurs at great heights where atmospheric densities are very low , so that many of the liberated hydrogen atoms escape into space before colliding with oxygen atoms and becoming water molecules .
2 The metal filling the pouring hole was usually left untrimmed after it had cooled , so that many of the figurines have a peg under their bases : even the best figures — and some of them ( see Figures 2 and 30 ) are very fine — may seem rather unfinished to modern eyes .
3 The effect of a devolution agreement is not specified , so that many of the problems discussed by O'Connell remain .
4 Is my right hon. Friend aware that the fund-holding system has been a spectacular success — so much so that many of the more trendy , intellectual GPs who were initially sceptical of it now welcome it more and more with open arms ?
5 The main farming activity was livestock production so that two-thirds of the total farm income derived from livestock .
6 Returning to academia he can recall the spatial remove as being ‘ out there in the field ’ ; so that much of the current anthropology at home may still only be practising in its own backyard , pursuing an exploration of ‘ exotic cultures at home ’ rather than looking into its own front room ( Cheater 1987 : 166 ) .
7 The emphasis was now on the proliferation of high-capacity small-scale computers capable of greater versatility than the older machines , lending themselves to the formation of networks , and many of them deliberately designed for easy access , so that much of the mystique was being dispelled .
8 She proved to be the Glisseuse , a rather shabby forty foot motor cruiser , difficult to see on Venturous ' radar , so that much of the time she had to be kept at visual distance , especially as she approached the busy traffic lanes of the Thames .
9 Most commonly , there is a proliferative lesion so that much of the lung is pink and rubbery and does not collapse when the chest is opened .
10 The time samples could be of one minute 's duration , arranged so that each of the six pupils is observed in a regular cyclical sequence for parts of a teaching period .
11 It is important that all feed pipes from the cold water cistern are fitted with valves so that each of the different water circuits can be isolated and worked on without the need to drain the entire system .
12 Returning to Fig. 6.2 for a moment , whenever the parameters are altered so that one of the solid lines ( representing homoclinic orbits to the origin ) is crossed , there will be a bifurcation similar to that described above .
13 All right I mean all right she did so that one of the guys would perhaps carry it around for you .
14 Why , I mean alright should you so that one of the would , is that , carry it around for you .
15 The two computers should be able to talk to each other so that all of the keyboards can make the typesetting equipment jump into action .
16 There was a relationship between the amount of training undertaken and allocation of a staff member 's time , so that all of the 27 authorities who employed specifically named training officers engaged in a higher than average number of training programmes .
17 At the top of the fountain , the spray breaks up into individual droplets which get carried by the wind and fall a long way from the vent , so that downwind of the fountain there is a shifting curtain of glowing droplets showering down .
18 We hope that it will never occur again , but if it does , may we have clear guidance so that those outside the House will know that if the police warn that it is unsafe to come into the House the Division either will or will not be extended ?
19 There are no women with high status previous jobs in the working-class group , so that those with an intermediate status job hold the highest status jobs in the working-class group as a whole .
20 It narrows the differential , so that those in the top band are not forced to pay more than three times those in the bottom band .
21 He acknowledges the ‘ Humean predicament ’ ; both induction and the hypothetico-deductive method are fallible , so that any of the beliefs which result from them could turn out to be in error .
22 He looked tired , in the bruised way that people who are physically slight do look tired , but not so much so that any of the congregation would notice .
23 Herr Hans-Eberhard Klein , the Frankfurt prosecutor who led the search , said : ‘ I am glad it is over , but I would rather have had a live Mengele than a dead one so that some of the thousands who suffered under him could have gained some little satisfaction from a trial . ’
24 Not only this , but within the metric system itself there is standardisation , so that some of the terms with which I grew up have all but disappeared .
25 She banged against the crate heavily and the one on top of it which had been badly placed fell onto the ground so that some of the bananas spilled out around her feet .
26 Whatever the arrangements , it is very important to get ground rules agreed before the move takes place , so that some of the possible snags for all concerned are foreseen and nipped in the bud .
27 The Siporax media was pre-matured , along with all the gravel and water , so that some of the fish could be added immediately .
28 Later , Coalition forces ‘ secured ’ a number of towns and villages so that some of the refugees could return to their homes in relative safety .
29 ‘ I do n't have to tell you why we 're here tonight , ’ he commenced , almost threateningly , so that some of the men turned to their wives or neighbours with the prediction : ‘ That means there 'll be a collection afterwards . ’
30 Damping with the VCID is achieved by transferring the system 's mechanical energy to at , d fro between the damper housing and rotor using an inefficient method of coupling ( the viscous fluid ) , so that some of the energy is dissipated with each transfer .
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