Example sentences of "there should [be] more [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I feel it is important there should be more contact between police and members of the public .
2 It has often been stressed that there should be more interaction between Forum and Project sectors .
3 PERHAPS there should be more hypocrisy in the world .
4 It recommended that a government minister be appointed to co-ordinate the work of all departments concerned with youth affairs , and that there should be more funding and clearer national objectives .
5 A visit there convinced one EWO that there should be more emphasis on home — school liaison and an end to the practice of ‘ looking at school attendance as an enforcement issue .
6 It recommended that , in postgraduate training , there should be more emphasis on the links between the academic world and industry , and that scientists should be encouraged , in various ways , to contribute to the work of schools .
7 there should be more emphasis on , on number of children that was lucky , it 's on this side is n't it ?
8 This seems to have been the only time that the English king led his men to victory : had the negotiations which preceded his return from exile the same year included a stipulation by those who complained about his previous behaviour ( see below ) that henceforth there should be more determination in dealing with the enemy ?
9 There should be more co-ordination of the work of the GCE examining boards , with more uniform standards of marking , a reduction in the number of separate syllabuses in each subject and a compulsory core common to the remaining syllabuses .
10 This argument was not expanded upon but the implication that there should be more evidence of ‘ class struggle ’ in the programme was picked up by Socialist Worker .
11 There should be more space available mow to display ornamental plants
12 He says there should be more work done by local government providing a network of cycle routes — but we felt the only way to make progress on this paritcular section was to do it ourselves .
13 Amongst the points in discussion were that there should be more opportunity for visitors to visit smaller areas outside the cities and main towns .
14 He says there should be more education about other trails .
15 We doubt the accuracy of the 1990/91 analysis as to the proportion of effort assigned to different sectors of inspectors ’ activities , and reflect back to GAMTA 's 1983 submission to the CAA review then taking place when we recommended … that there should be more delegation of record checking to junior staff and even greater delegation of inspection functions to authorised personnel within AOC operations .
16 There should be more attention given to anti-pollution education for the people of Darlington — after all they are the ones to blame , ’ said Coun Walker .
17 The voice and movement work is very important but the professional requirements have changed , particularly in respect of film and television and there should be more training in this area .
18 There should be more graduate work generally , and an increase in the number of undergraduate courses covering wider fields of study .
19 You think there should be more balance ?
20 It worried me , I felt there should be more reaction .
21 That there should be more research on the language needs of employment and that the relationship between such needs and the teaching of English , community and foreign language should be explored in teacher education .
22 That there should be more research on the language needs of employment and that the relationship between such needs and the teaching of English , community and foreign languages should be explored in teacher education .
23 This action comes in response to the House of Commons agricultural select committee which , seven months prior to the publication of its report , urged that there should be more research into " mad cow " disease .
24 No , that 's so when we leave there should be more interest .
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