Example sentences of "there would [be] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The opposition of Scipio Nasica to the destruction of Carthage figures so prominently in this account by Diodorus — and therefore by Posidonius — because he was thought to have foreseen the possibility of civil war in Rome if Carthage were to be eliminated : " but once the rival city was destroyed , it was only too evident that there would be civil war at home and that hatred for the governing power would spring up among all the allies because of the rapacity and lawlessness to which the Roman magistrates would subject them " ( 34.33.5 transl .
2 If it were n't for the tailpiece , there would be distinct LP Junior/Melody Maker overtones , especially in view of Larry 's choice of pickup .
3 There would be loud applause for the suggestion from Labour Back Benchers , but he has my sympathy .
4 It is unlikely that there would be strong support for interim note disclosure equivalent to that in annual accounts .
5 It might well be that some of them had work as servants , or in agriculture — but there would be strong competition for the latter , for quite apart from the regular farm labourers there were a considerable number of workmen not as fully employed at the mine as perhaps they would have wished .
6 Throughout March and April the newspapers carried a plethora of stories suggesting either that there would be a further challenge to Mrs Thatcher when the next leadership election fell due in November , or that there would be strong pressure on her to announce her retirement before then .
7 After they have gone there would be financial chaos with severely or perhaps mortally wounded airlines remaining at the City — it might take years for a network of routes to be soundly re-established .
8 Demand was thus satisfied for HE as a whole , although clearly there would be unsatisfied demand for particular courses or institutions .
9 It would take place in a different context , nevertheless there would be that opportunity and no doubt the adequacy of a public consultation exercise at the proposed modification stage would be a matter for the County Council themselves to decide .
10 there would be that sympathy .
11 ‘ It 's perfectly in order to return illegal immigrants to their country of origin , otherwise there would be international chaos , ’ she told MPs at question time .
12 I always thought that , if an international crisis similar to that of the 1930s were to recur , there would be international agreement to control such events .
13 ‘ Without heroin , there would be real hardship in this area . ’
14 David Prior , Rector of St. Michael 's , Chester Square , believes there would be real value in a house group seeing the provision of such spiritual direction and help as latent within the group itself .
15 On movement of people there would be mutual recognition of professional qualifications ; Switzerland would have until 1996 to adjust from its particularly strict regime on immigration .
16 But the judge granted a licence after hearing that this year there would be stricter security , and tougher restrictions on the type of music played .
17 At its distance from the equator there would be inadequate Sunlight to grow the main source of human energy , corn , and insufficient warmth in the winter to sustain life .
18 After the World Cup draw at the weekend , which paired teams to play in Sardinia , the Football Association chief executive , Mr Graham Kelly , spoke with his Dutch counterpart and said there would be close liaison in the next few months .
19 Does the Minister agree with the figure given by the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the Dispatch Box when he told us that there would be 40,000 mortgage rescues this year ?
20 Thus , whereas in the relational model information about the object customer would be scattered over a number of relations ( which could be : customer , holding customer name and address information ; sales ledger , holding details about the debts of the customer ; invoice , holding details of payments due ) , in the object-oriented model there would be one object , customer , reflecting all this information .
21 There 'd be cart there would be two cart loads anyway
22 Nevertheless I set off northwards , feeling sure that there would be other accommodation along the way .
23 Not so long ago , if any such points of ambiguity arose regarding one 's duties , one had the comfort of knowing that before long some fellow professional whose opinion one respected would be accompanying their employer to the house , and there would be ample opportunity to discuss the matter .
24 There would be ample time to sift the fine detail from Shildon next day .
25 If half the funds and the intellectual effort which has gone towards developing strategies for finding alternative families had been put into what we can only lamely call preventative work there would be unquestionable advantage to all concerned .
26 But he repeated his promise that there would be extra help for poor pensioners and families on income support to assist them in meeting increased heating bills .
27 In the budget on 19 March 1991 the Chancellor announced that there would be extra Government grant to enable the community charge bills originally set by councils to be reduced by £140 for every individual ( or in the case of Wandsworth to reduce the bill to £0 ) .
28 On Thursday , facing uproar on all sides of the Commons , Mr Major ordered that the mess be sorted out and Downing Street duly declared that there would be extra money for the poor over and above RPI uprating and that it had all been planned before the Budget .
29 As always when a VVIP was present there would be extra security on the Sunday and 11 Bn RAOC had been asked to provide coverage .
30 By the end of the week there would be hot water .
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