Example sentences of "there 's [det] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile there 's little question that the TV election was won by an outsider barely rated last time round , Channel 4 's Vincent Hanna .
2 THERE 'S little doubt that over the past decade the British public has been moving towards the Tory party 's ideal of a nation of home owners .
3 It was this more than anything that impelled Havel into active opposition , and there 's little doubt that it 's his reputation as a truth-teller , a man whose word is to be trusted , that most commends him to a nation recovering from constitutional mendacity .
4 Maybe , but there 's little doubt that England had missed Richards ' tight control in the first half .
5 There 's little doubt that where public relations is concerned this Lady of Shallott surely knows her onions and if I were she , I would sue Channel 4 over one of Ms Paglia 's implications .
6 ‘ I think , sir , there 's little doubt that it was not the IRA or any other terrorist group .
7 There are more courses planned for the future and there 's little doubt that there 'll be plenty of demand from women who 'd rather be safe than sorry .
8 Colleges reckon their spell in Division II has cost them about £25,000 in lost sponsorship , bar takings , gate receipts etc — Saturday 's crowd of over 2,500 brought in more than the combined total of the previous home league matches — and there 's little doubt that defeat against Musselburgh would have had a catastrophic impact on the club .
9 ‘ They may have done , but we 'll save 'em a journey if they have n't , ’ said Farmer Olinton , ‘ and I do n't think there 's much doubt that it 'll be a wasted journey now if they do come . ’
10 I do n't think there 's much doubt that the guy who hits the most balls on the range is Vijay Singh .
11 ‘ I do n't think there 's much doubt that as a person I ranked pretty low , but for me — ’ she shook her head ‘ — well , I 've just never felt so attracted , so compelled by someone , the way I did with him .
12 I do n't suppose there 's much doubt that Milton approached his marriage a little late in life with an intensity of idealism that must , to some degree , have derived from the high conception of the chastity to which he had up till then dedicated himself , and poor Mary Powell , just like Desdemona , becomes a victim of male idealisation and the unreasonable demands that it makes .
13 With less then a week to go before the autumn budget there 's much speculation as to where the axe and the tax will fall .
14 Well there 's that green and grey thing that I keep passing onto
15 there 's that sheet and there 's all this lot for each classification
16 There 's that girl that you think I fancy again , just moving down there .
17 There 's that fact that the Conservatives were on a high of course .
18 So there 's that product and the earning potentials are the same on on both of these products .
19 There 's that woman that 's the one out of
20 there 's that suspicion that you 're trying
21 Erm y'know that that sort of thing when they when they y'know when they might be , when they feel when they feel that some some other bloke 's making an approach to them , when they feel that er y'know erm somebody finds them attractive , when they think that some other bloke has made a pass at them or something like that y'know they sort of react in a hostile way but y'know there 's that suspicion that mm er y'know kind of er it 's because they 're insecure about their masculinity , it 's because they feel threatened or something like that .
22 There 's all water as well .
23 So you can say from Wednesday till today there 's all coal that was in the bunker plus what they put on top .
24 Oh alright then , just put it in there , there 's some juice and a tie thing
25 If you feel that there 's some benefit that 's come out of this meeting today
26 ‘ And there 's some shortbread and chocolates and a jar of chicken breasts , ’ she said , taking them out of the basket and putting them on the table .
27 The fires have been burning in the orchards this weekend.It was all part of ancient rites to ensure a good crop of cider apples.And there 's some evidence that it really works.Richard Barnett reports :
28 I would certainly I would certainly hope that men would become much less erm nervous and ashamed about expressing emotion erm and I would certainly hope that erm men learn as much as women do about erm how to look after children and how to bring them up , and I think there 's some evidence that that actually is happening .
29 There 's some excitement but we 're not gung-ho .
30 Although the EC has reached agreement on product safety , there 's some concern that dangerous goods banned here , like flammable foam furniture , may be sold in Britain .
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