Example sentences of "there were [v-ing] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Eat up , ’ she said , ‘ There were going to be potatoes but I got lost chanting mantras .
2 Benny realised that there were going to be a great many areas where she would be at a loss .
3 That was all very well but there were going to be a lot of things to pay .
4 My next thought was that there were going to be a lot of other pissed-off people .
5 So there were going to be four months of hard training and probably a lot of violence .
6 Three right so perhaps someone had divided this pizza up and all the extra people kept coming in and your mum was saying , Oh no I thought there were going to be three and now there 's six of us .
7 And T X R X , B B C Radio Nottingham , to the effect that there were going to be these regular advice sessions at , which is the ac the tenants ' action group office .
8 Er a specific on only thing that might have been I think was really , erm the erm the concern that some people expect erm are for rural areas , whether there was going t there were going to be con whether things were going to be spread thinner on the ground in rural areas , particularly sort of transport costs , and of course erm there 's one , but nevertheless , the concern that that would be underlying that and the erm the erm the the rural community
9 There were going to be fireworks to finish , ‘ at dusk ’ according to the poster on the park gates .
10 When he arrived on the set all hunched up with his head down to his waist , she knew there were going to be problems on the way .
11 We got specific money , in other words , the government flagged up that in the first year , there were going to be infrastructure costs , and so there was a specific allowance made for that , and we 've been recruiting gradually , not all at once , over a period of time , as the numbers of people coming into the community care system rise , we 've been recruiting new staff there .
12 We did n't know whether there were going to be any children .
13 All would be well , she said , because there were going to be so many doctors around .
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