Example sentences of "there had be [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Although it could be argued that it is not really chronology continuing ( as suggested by the chapter title ) because there had been insufficient time specification before 1950 , the sequence of this chapter proceeds from the basic foundations , to the alternative models , to sea level changes , Quaternary geography and hence to the prospect of environmental change .
2 Daly stressed the narrowness of most reefs and showed , from examples where the rate of reef growth is known , that there had been ample time in the Post-glacial period for the growth of modern reefs .
3 But there had been strange times since then , and they 'd put Gentle in an apter mood for this study .
4 He said there had been sufficient time to bring an action , and awarded costs against the parents .
5 A petition organized by the Jewish people 's Council against Fascism and Anti-Semitism collected 77,000 signatures in two days ; it was felt that if there had been more time over a quarter of a million would have signed against Mosley 's proposed demonstration .
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