Example sentences of "there is [adv] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Within that evolving framework there is both complexity and variety , for change involves both redundancy as well as novelty , and each region was subject to different pressures stemming from its past and its neighbours .
2 And therefore I think that there is both progress and regression .
3 ‘ At meals there is both restraint and royal bounty ; moderate drinking prevails without excess , yet those who hunger will never complain of frugality .
4 These hornitos , which are also known rather aptly as driblet cones , go on growing as long as there is both gas and lava to feed them , and they may reach a height of many metres .
5 ‘ These provincial councils were meant to act as part of central council within their own area , but they have grown more independent and now we have a situation where there is both competition and conflict between them and a reluctance to accept the authority of central council . ’
6 An incompetent head is one who fails to master the task of reconciling a management plan with a financial plan , who fails to communicate and to ensure enough understanding for the financial plan with his or her teacher colleagues and who is unable to engage with governors at a level where there is both trust and understanding .
7 There is both comfort and danger in this .
8 Lord Ross added : ‘ This appears to me to emphasise that there is both importance and difficulty in this action which would make it appropriate for the action to be heard in the Court of Session as the supreme court rather than in the sheriff court .
9 In the scriptural usage of that term there is both continuity and discontinuity with that wider understanding .
10 There is both value and cost to a relationship .
11 Of course there is also pantomime and now in a museum !
12 All the clarity and detail which Griffith managed to find is there , but there is also body and warmth which one remembers from the original 78s .
13 But there is also envy and fear of where you have been and what you have done . ’
14 There is also minigolf and a driving range .
15 And it is with the statistical evaluation of leys that there is most controversy and where much work still needs doing .
16 and , and say there is again disrespect or whatever for , I do n't know what to call them transracial relationships
17 We have expropriation — it is the economic revolution against the only-just ex-ruling classes ; during the period of primitive capitalist accumulation there is neither revolution nor fight against the old master , but the destruction of peasants ; in that case there is the creation of a necessary class pole ; in our case nothing similar .
18 There is neither triforium nor clerestory ; the crossing dome is conical and unusual .
19 The aisled nave has four bays and the church is barrel vaulted throughout at almost the same height — there is neither triforium nor clerestory .
20 The preamble recites that the line between Bishop 's Castle and Craven Arms is ‘ complete ’ , which is a ‘ misapprehension of dates ’ at all events , inasmuch as there is neither station nor locomotive on the line .
21 Thus it may be said ( stage one ) that fundamental to the biblical outlook is that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek , nor bond nor free , no more male and female .
22 Thus it seemed to me clear that the Galatians passage ( that there is neither Jew nor Greek , nor bond nor free , there is no more male and female ) 20 was of the essence of Christianity .
23 It is of interest that it would seem to be the case that the Galatians verse , that in Christ ‘ there is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free , there is no ‘ male and female ’ , makes direct reference to Genesis .
24 There is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free , there is neither male nor female ; for you are all one in Christ Jesus .
25 There is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free , there is neither male nor female ; for you are all one in Christ Jesus .
26 Where ownership can not be established , there is neither responsibility nor law ; resource management is likely to fail until some equally sound basis for law can be established .
27 It is of interest that it would seem to be the case that the Galatians verse , that in Christ ‘ there is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free , there is no ‘ male and female ’ , makes direct reference to Genesis .
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free , there is neither male nor female ; for you are all one in Christ Jesus .
29 There is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free , there is neither male nor female ; for you are all one in Christ Jesus .
30 If an election is afoot there is neither sight nor sound of it .
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