Example sentences of "there is [pron] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If there is one moral in the interlacements of the latter it is that you must do your duty regardless of what you think is going to happen .
2 For example , John Hull argues that " there is a theology appropriate to the concrete thinker just as there is one available to the abstract thinker " ( Hull 1991 : 13 ) .
3 Sgurr an Lochain is the next peak on and there is one more beyond it , Creag nan Damh .
4 Governments come and governments go ( or rather they do n't ) , pop idols streak through the firmament and disappear , but there is one constant in a topsy-turvy world , the beacon of truth and clarity that is the NME .
5 Durkheim wrote that , ‘ there is something impersonal in us because there is something social in all of us , and since social life embraces at once both representations and practices , this impersonality naturally extends to ideas as well as to acts . ’
6 The narcissistic and windy urbanity of Freedburg and Kosuth means that they fail to convince us that there is something rotten in the United States .
7 There is something cruel in the game , that responded to the cruelty in my own nature .
8 Avize and Oger have great distinction , but there is something spectacular about the Chardonnay perfume from grapes grown in Cramant and le Mesnil-sur-Oger — it is a pure essence of the Chardonnay aroma , and apparently restricted to these two villages .
9 There is something lethal in all this .
10 There is something indecent about comments from the living on the fate of the dead , and to say that ‘ those whom the gods love die young ’ is to assume an unsuitably Olympian pose .
11 I am not much given to anger , but there is something indecent about these raw pink naïveties .
12 In the end I bullied Andy , I said , Andy there is something fishy about this fire he said well it 's possible he said that it was erm a display model and every time anybody came in and needed a replacement part instead of sending for the part they took it out of the display model !
13 There is something unsatisfactory about this , and more work needs to be done to defend the account against complaints of this sort .
14 The moral of all this , of course , is that , as language is variable at all times , there is something unsatisfactory about applying a unilinear and uniform-state style of interpretation to an account of language history .
15 There is something insulting about the way in which a stranger can visit a place which is forbidden to people with infinitely more interest in such a journey .
16 There is something eerie about this war .
17 In any case there is something absurd about the notion that language or words can be attacked independently of their users .
18 I admit that there is something absurd in the notion of machines built around the simple rigour of Boolean logic having to cope with words whose spelling in some cases derives from Dr Sam Johnson 's incorrect etymology .
19 All the same , there is something irritating about the way Phil sits there taking everything so much for granted — his presence in the house , Howard 's discretion in the report , even the coffee .
20 There is something strange about these rabbits .
21 ‘ Then you will know , sir , that there is something strange about Mr Hyde , something evil . ’
22 There is something strange about a subject in which its research workers are willing to dabble at the application of the jargon of thermodynamics but unwilling to apply even the most rudimentary aspects of mechanics to these problems .
23 There is something familiar about the single shoe in the road or the hoof print in the mud , yet Louise Short elevates these fragments by preserving them as plaster casts and ordering them in installations which trace the passage of people and animals .
24 Evidently there is something odd about the expression imperator noster divus Marcus , for noster is generally used of the current emperor , and divus of course only of a deceased one .
25 There is something odd about him .
26 There is something curious about him , you know .
27 Is the hon. Gentleman suggesting that there is something new about a substantial majority of crime being committed by young people — that it is a phenomenon of the 1980s and 1990s ?
28 May we try to show them by our own example that there is something good in everyone .
29 There is something tragic about this . ’
30 I do n't know how Dawn really feels about me , whether love or trust mean anything to her or not , but I do know that there is something special between us , and it feels like something more than just conditioning .
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