Example sentences of "there be [noun] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 Yet there are limits to their inventive adaptability , limits beyond which we often push them .
2 Although these two artists did not meet , there are affinities in their work and director , Andrew Kalman , has selected ten pictures by each of them to make his point ( 15 October-27 November ) .
3 No doubt it will very quickly become apparent to the reader that there are differences in their philosophical assumptions that may not be reconcilable .
4 Whilst one of the rights of owners is to use the land which they own as they please , there are restrictions on their use of land due to the rights of others .
5 And there are flowers in their hair and loose yellow flowers strewn about under their bare feet on the ground .
6 So that if any small schools would contemplate opting out because there are cuts in their budget , then those cuts would still apply and they would not actually get additional funding through the formula for their budget .
7 Individuals entering the scheme — which will run initially for five years — do not have to prove there are corncrakes on their land .
8 In practice , however , heat pumps are expensive to install , they have long payback periods at current fuel prices , and there are doubts about their reliability and performance .
9 Admittedly , most positivists had acknowledged that there were problems with their data .
10 It had been meant to give time for negotiation if there were problems about their proposed campaign .
11 The T family were involved with the agency for many years ; Mrs T had a serious and long-term psychiatric condition and there were difficulties with their adolescent children .
12 And there were elements of their life history which remained open to non-racist articulation .
13 There were reports of their best equipment , the Russian T-72 , being pushed south on tank transporters along the north-south axis .
14 Of a sudden the room was quiet , and when she turned from the mirror and stood before the three elderly sisters , it could almost be said there were tears in their eyes , and in her own .
15 The 7th Army withdrew under an agreement negotiated between Russia and Armenia , and the 4th Army Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) troops in Azerbaijan were also being withdrawn , but there were accusations of their equipment being stolen for use by Azerbaijan in the Nagorny Karabakh conflict .
16 There were inconsistencies in their views , the students having inherited some of the contradictions of the past .
17 The Jones collaboration in part grew out of such a quest , though there were aspects of their work that had been anticipated in India long before , unrecorded and so unknown to them .
18 Afterwards , there were people with their mouths open going ‘ My God , we 've never seen this much violence in an Allen movie . ’
19 Now there 's concern about their safety in the light of the latest campaign .
20 And there 's Act with their amoral fascination for the artifice and decadence of showbiz .
21 This is the key to the trio : there 's disbelief at their achievements , awe at their ever-new surroundings and experiences .
22 There 's blood on their hands , my friend , ’ Kruger-Daine bellowed .
23 As the first generation of well managed subjects reaches adulthood there is anxiety about their neurological progress , both in early childhood and later , and about the effects of maternal phenylketonuria on the next generation .
24 They may be resented or hated , but there is admiration for their supposed ‘ industriousness ’ , ‘ ambitiousness ’ , ‘ enterprise ’ , ‘ family values ’ , ‘ respect and care for their elderly ’ , ‘ respect for authority ’ , and so on .
25 The concentrations are very variable , but though there is evidence of their being at higher levels near cities and urban areas , there is no necessary connection with waste-disposal sites .
26 There is evidence of their closely co-ordinating their activities .
27 Firstly , there is ignorance of their synergistic role in the treatment of viridans streptococcal and enterococcal endocarditis .
28 Needless to say voluntary bodies are very nervous about that , because they have difficulty contracting to provide a service when they are totally dependent on unpaid volunteers , and therefore there is reluctance on their part to , to enter into contracts that bind them to provide something where they are uncertain about their ability to do it .
29 Free time is what people are left with once there is food in their stomachs , a roof over their heads , security for their families and all the bills have been paid .
30 Her eyes were as blue as the patch of bright sky which had suddenly emerged from between the clouds and when she looked at him he was sure there was invitation in their depths .
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