Example sentences of "there [was/were] some [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Some parts of the country showed more significant growth than others : on the east coast , the number of sailings not only rose in absolute terms between the 1460s and the early sixteenth century , but the proportion of those by English ships approximately doubled , although there were some exports which were largely carried in foreign vessels .
2 Mrs. Mirjam Foot of the British Library ( and currently Editor of the British Library Journal ) who kindly looked into the problem for me , pointed out that while there were some stationers whose initials and dates fitted , such as Richard Baldwyn , who worked in London till 1590 , there is no evidence of any one of them having been a bookbinder .
3 There were some papers I thought you ought to see .
4 There were some engineers who wanted more experimentation and more rapid adoption of larger sizes or re-heat , arguing that , while Britain had at last caught up with American levels of thermal efficiency in 1938 , she was now again falling behind .
5 ‘ Last summer , before the markets looked up , there were some companies whose solvency margins looked very thin and Scottish Equitable were towards the bottom of these .
6 While they were working on this case there were some things which Nikos had better not know .
7 Again , though , there were some things which she was not well enough acquainted with him to mention — especially now that she knew who her Good Samaritan of yesterday was .
8 But there were some things one did not think about because they were unimaginable .
9 There were some things you did n't tell even your friends .
10 She hated to be made to think in this way ; but there were some things you had to think of with your mind , when you could n't straightforwardly see them with your hands , to deal with them then and there .
11 Of course , there were some things she could not know about .
12 But there were some things it was hopeless to discuss with him .
13 Well , I say a small town , it was more of a village really , but I live in Mannheim now , since my parents died … anyway , when things came to a head , I failed to support her , though I agreed with her really — up to a point that is , there were some things I disagreed with her about .
14 It 's just that there were some things I needed to clear up with her about her husband 's estate .
15 True , there were some things he did n't like about the Khedive 's regime , the patronage , the corruption , the inefficiency .
16 There were some questions he urgently wanted an answer to .
17 Well , you had to feed it you know erm Then there was this erm er sort of a whipping in in there was a long trough leading to the knife and then there were some cogwheels which pulled it into the knife .
18 There were some problems which the Public Assistance Committee was able to unload without regret .
19 Just a case of reminding there were some problems it 's been a little bit slow because of roadworks on the high street in Banbury as usual because of that water board work that 's continuing .
20 Ironically , there were some respondents who said that they would have preferred to have kept on working in order to remain healthy .
21 There were some women he wanted her to take relief to .
22 There were some women who simply had to take the unfortunate literally to their breast .
23 While literature and religion stressed the moral causes of insanity , there were some commentators who , working from pure observation , suggested other causes , physiological or emotional .
24 On the other hand , it was sometimes difficult to be certain of this , for there were some lairds who took a very unfavourable view of such officers , and there was a danger that a politician who desired to win a friend might make a mortal enemy .
25 But there were some rules he knew better than she ever would .
26 In the Commons debate which followed the ministerial announcement , there were some MPs who welcomed the demise of ‘ a nonsensical curriculum development body that has done nothing but damage education over the years ’ .
27 But there were some characters who , for one reason or another , I have cause to remember .
28 The opinions of staff and governors were sought and although there were some reservations it was decided that a questionnaire should be distributed to parents .
29 There were some wives who played a more active role , taking part regularly in milking and undertaking the bookkeeping .
30 While acknowledging that there were some schools which had built up a good range of resources and had successfully integrated their school library with the teaching and learning taking place in the school , it appeared at this time that many demonstrated one or all of the following basic problems :
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