Example sentences of "there [was/were] [noun] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 There were rings on her pretty hands .
2 There were rings on his fingers .
3 Of course he was n't always there because frequently there were notes from his mother to say that he had earache or something , but later on I realized , of course , that those notes had been faked , the same as the notes that I had sent to school from my mother several generations before that .
4 There were bruises on his neck and a bloodstained rag round his right hand .
5 Suzanne , I could call myself Suzanne : it was the name of one of the actresses Dad had brought to stay at our house for a week because there were bedbugs at her lodgings .
6 There were threats to his academic career , but they came from a different direction .
7 Admittedly , most positivists had acknowledged that there were problems with their data .
8 It had been meant to give time for negotiation if there were problems about their proposed campaign .
9 The unending toil , which ground on at the pace of the changing seasons and the constant struggle against relentless Nature would be in vain , as far as Jonadab Oaks was concerned , unless there were others of his name to follow in his footsteps and work this land to which he had devoted his life .
10 Leith shot a glance at Naylor , seated next to her , who was n't even a tinge pink around the ears at his aunt 's revealing what , since there were others in her particular line who were far more senior , must surely be a lie .
11 There were times during his illness , he told me , when he was happier than he 'd been since he was a child .
12 He went on to say that the use of non-book resources was one aspect in which hoped-for developments had not taken place , and this is typical of the awareness that , despite general satisfaction with the project , there were limits to its success .
13 The jackal de Guichet , they said , was bad enough , but there were limits to his powers ; but the old lion acknowledged no restrictions within his own honour , his rule was as absolute as plague .
14 If you want my opinion , it was a man , and I 'm sure there were goings-on in my corridor last night ! ’
15 Proposals were put forward for new houses and development around the barn ; but because the barn itself was ignored , there were fears for its future .
16 Mr Ian Karsten , for the board , told a Bristol University appeal committee hearing that there were passages in his script which were ‘ bizarre and remarkable and which require explanation ’ .
17 A chain linking her handcuffs was tied to a bar above her , and Sams warned there were boulders over her head .
18 There were complications with my pregnancy .
19 The T family were involved with the agency for many years ; Mrs T had a serious and long-term psychiatric condition and there were difficulties with their adolescent children .
20 And then there were things outside my control .
21 I asked Joshua Rozenberg , our Legal Affairs correspondent , whether there were things from his area he felt we should have covered .
22 ‘ I know there were crowds at his funeral , ’ said John .
23 There were movements in her body that frightened her .
24 There were screens around her bed , and beside it sat the young Sub-lieutenant , almost as motionless as the form under the sheets , staring earnestly at the bandaged head and the small white face .
25 First half losses before tax increased from £17.7m to £30.6m at Ratners ; Gerald Ratner received much criticism and there were calls for his resignation at the company 's agm .
26 And there were elements of their life history which remained open to non-racist articulation .
27 There were elements in its thinking , however , which were akin to the Keynesians ' views .
28 There were fightmarks on her flat face , and she had a figure that owed more to steroids and implants than nature .
29 Then there were questions about her style .
30 I think almost daily there were discussions between our two shop stewards and the quarry owners about you know , levels of production , expected targets , increase in production and all this , and er I think you know through those daily discussions we made our side of the argument known and we we told him that we 'd work to rule if things were n't proper and if we did n't like it .
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