Example sentences of "there [was/were] [v-ing] to be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Eat up , ’ she said , ‘ There were going to be potatoes but I got lost chanting mantras .
2 Benny realised that there were going to be a great many areas where she would be at a loss .
3 That was all very well but there were going to be a lot of things to pay .
4 My next thought was that there were going to be a lot of other pissed-off people .
5 So there were going to be four months of hard training and probably a lot of violence .
6 Three right so perhaps someone had divided this pizza up and all the extra people kept coming in and your mum was saying , Oh no I thought there were going to be three and now there 's six of us .
7 And T X R X , B B C Radio Nottingham , to the effect that there were going to be these regular advice sessions at , which is the ac the tenants ' action group office .
8 Er a specific on only thing that might have been I think was really , erm the erm the concern that some people expect erm are for rural areas , whether there was going t there were going to be con whether things were going to be spread thinner on the ground in rural areas , particularly sort of transport costs , and of course erm there 's one , but nevertheless , the concern that that would be underlying that and the erm the erm the the rural community
9 There were going to be fireworks to finish , ‘ at dusk ’ according to the poster on the park gates .
10 When he arrived on the set all hunched up with his head down to his waist , she knew there were going to be problems on the way .
11 We got specific money , in other words , the government flagged up that in the first year , there were going to be infrastructure costs , and so there was a specific allowance made for that , and we 've been recruiting gradually , not all at once , over a period of time , as the numbers of people coming into the community care system rise , we 've been recruiting new staff there .
12 We did n't know whether there were going to be any children .
13 All would be well , she said , because there were going to be so many doctors around .
14 Techno Tracies and crop-headed sheep on drugs were tainting the atmosphere at raves , and there was beginning to be something familiar in the frenzy of old favourites such as Kaos and Ark .
15 And whichever way she looked at Jessie 's case there was going to be trouble , deep trouble , awful trouble , frightening trouble .
16 I was cycling up the hill at the time to go on duty , and I nearly fell off my bike in my certainty that there was going to be a nasty accident .
17 ‘ If there was going to be a bid , I wanted to make sure we would have a place at the negotiating table , ’ he says .
18 If there was going to be trouble — serious trouble — then , they 'd know about it .
19 And I 'm sure a lot of times he had no idea what was going to come out , but he knew there was going to be some sort of feedback or something , so he 'd just play with it when it came . ’
20 Nevertheless it was apparent that there was going to be a greater preponderance of lords and knights in this affair than Will Douglas , for one , desired ; but his uncle was reluctant to refuse any .
21 It was fairly clear that there was going to be some smuggling as well but , even allowing for the often-repeated story that other ships lay over the horizon and sent boats in to add to the stock on board the single ship , the net profits from the ship could hardly have been much more than twice those of the slave-trading .
22 Ellie could sense there was going to be bad trouble , and it was n't long in coming .
23 Well , that night everyone went to sleep because if there was going to be a wedding everybody in the village would surely have to go .
24 There was going to be very little room in Frederica Potter 's life from now on for this imposed world of people and chairs you had to have because they were there .
25 There was going to be a riot so they brought her up .
26 Somehow we got ashore and into the stockade , but we knew there was going to be a fight . ’
27 If a Burton man turned his empty beer-pot upside down on the table they knew there was going to be trouble .
28 We spent a day together when it was finished because I knew there was going to be a fuss .
29 ‘ I knew there was going to be lot of stigma , because it was heroin , ’ she says .
30 Maybe there was going to be a gleam of light this morning .
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