Example sentences of "there [is] [adv] more [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hardly surprising then , that there 's rather more to our Chicken in Blackbean Sauce than just chicken and black beans .
2 There 's rather more to it than that , ’ he said with a vain attempt at lightness .
3 But there 's even more to it than I 've already told you .
4 There 's probably more under the soil .
5 Also pensioners , there 's now more of an incentive for them to come back on to the labour market .
6 But she says there 's still more to be done .
7 The comic admits the heady days of starring with Bo Derek are a thing of the past … though he says there 's still more to life than supermarket commercials .
8 But there 's far more to garlic than its wonderful taste .
9 There is rather more to it than that , of course , for it brings together several novel technical features that KEF have developed and proven separately in other models over the years , the most recent being what they term Uni-Q , a two-way coincident drive unit featured in the current ‘ Q ’ range .
10 To date this explosion has n't been that much more than a damp November 5th squib , although it has undoubtedly increased the awareness of the business community that there is rather more to making a presentation than a hand-written flipchart .
11 There is rather more to it than that . ’
12 And there is transparently more to this than knowing the meanings of individual units of expression ; we have to grasp the syntax .
13 This is an interesting question and there is probably more to it than meets the eye .
14 There is always more to knowing than human knowledge will ever know .
15 We have seen that there is always more to knowing than human knowing will ever know .
16 Anyone who is interested in the human side of innovation , and who suspects that the management of change is a subtle business , about which there is always more to be learned , might find something useful here .
17 WOMEN play a large part in the life of the Church , but there is always more to be done .
18 But there is still more to be said about linguistic norms .
19 There is really more to this than necessary pessimism of the intellect associated with optimism of the will .
20 The above indicates that there is far more to negotiating than sitting down opposite the other party and trying to bargain .
21 Like the Channel Four programme on Thursday , which explores the secret life of the photocopier , John 's workshops showed there is far more to the machine than duplicating documents and jamming the paper .
22 Yet there is far more to the martial arts than the aggression of karate .
23 There is far more to Nuer religion than this cursory sketch can convey .
24 While networks and alliances vary enormously , one conclusion is clear : there is far more to local authority decision-making than simply the officer-councillor dimension .
25 There is far more to introducing a new machine of this size and complexity than simply installing the hardware , ’ he said .
26 But there is far more to ICI 's acrylics interest than just the plastics .
27 There is far more at stake here than people suppose : on this election could turn the future of Britain as an entity , the future of Britain in Europe and the future of Britain as a parliamentary democracy .
28 This , however , is not the case , for there is undoubtedly more to the distinction between given and new than the assignment of phonological stress .
29 In the view of the Minister , ‘ There is obviously more to preserving the nation 's security than safeguarding against subversion , terrorism and espionage . ’
30 There is obviously more to Froggy 's murder than meets the eye and , despite the bullying phone call , my editor , God bless him , wants me to do a little more digging .
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