Example sentences of "there [modal v] to be [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The spirit of the Rome Treaty would suggest that there ought to be competition between airlines in respect of air fares on scheduled services between member states .
2 There ought to be consideration of the animal 's perspective when formulating laws ; almost all the laws are to protect a certain kind of human interest .
3 There ought to be scope for feedback , a chance for you to express whatever thoughts or concerns you may have at the time .
4 There ought to be leeway in that . ’
5 … And it seemed there ought to be music , so Esther Allan , the music teacher at the school where I was the most reluctant member of the Art Department , got roped in .
6 There ought to be moonlight , starlight or sunset , music — But I shall say it anyhow . ’
7 Social work help should be provided on a similar basis , and there ought to be continuity of care after discharge .
8 And for so long as the honours system continues in operation , there ought to be recognition of citizenship as a criterion .
9 There ought to be wine and music and a boat on the river , ’ he said dreamily .
10 Erm perhaps also say how urgent a lot of people but perhaps there ought to be sort of changes in planning law er changes indeed which erm this Council has sent messages to government about erm er previously .
11 Today I mean they , I mean when you take , years and years ago when there used to be man handling everything same as timber , I mean we had about three hundred dockers then .
12 ‘ You see where there 's bog — there used to be water there , ’ he told me .
13 there , I mean in the older days they used to have a li little railway and they used t used more or less take all the sewage on to his land and there used to be couple little trucks where you tip over and they 'd be one down and one up , on and he , old he used to , used to be his , put on his land .
14 There used to be sea here , ’ he remarked , sweeping his conning tower of an arm around in a wide arc .
15 There used to be safety catch mechanism
16 They would n't , the miners hardly got anything and there used to be soup kitchens for us and er when it first started in nineteen twenty six and er I was pregnant with my second one and I used to walk right down to Pit with a lace , great big lace basket , they would n't let the men fetch the coal and we had to push the coal from there right to the , oh they 've no idea love , no idea .
17 And er tt there used to be whistle , you know , like a telephone is ?
18 Now on that twenty feet long , now I 'm up about say , you can say anything like about fifteen feet up in the in the air , might be less than that and then you got twenty feet up like that , well then there used to be wire and used to have a big wheel in top , which you could n't go over the top and with a wire , then I used to have a sling chain , my main hook and that was thirteen foot long and you take th that and on , on working on top of the lorry , see you got to be so careful and there 's men working on that lorry as well , course I broke the wheel .
19 T. B. I was at Lawrence Road , and on Saturday night , there used to be bedlam outside the Pavilion Theatre and there were fights between drunks .
20 There used to be rubbish dumps and mud and all that and we used to have a laugh there , you know what I mean ?
21 Well , it was actually started by a few railway men , th right opposite Street there used to be hand laundry , and then there was a row of houses , from there , running up to the corner of Street where the club stands originally , but in the beginning it was just a row of small houses , and it started with a few railway men having a meet holding the meetings in this house , in these houses , and I 've got very dim memories of how it actually started but it was a real event when they were first , before they actually built the club it was run in the row of houses that ran from up Street as I say there was a little hand laundry corner of Street heading onto Street on the left hand side was the greengrocers , and that , they kept that greengrocers for as long as I can remember .
22 But still they used to go and fetch meat , there used to be horse slaughterers near
23 Yeah , that girl was saying , apparently there used to be glass in front of that there there used to be a glass cabinet attached to the wall there .
24 " I used to be active in the church but not now , there used to be hell on if I did things in the church .
25 And there used to be sort of a mush made from haricot beans too that people said were baked beans and they were n't it was just sort of white mushy erm white haricot beans with a sort of red colouring poured over the top .
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