Example sentences of "there [be] things that we " in BNC.

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1 I know about these pirate recordings and they cause a lot of trouble — this is something we have to be very careful about with our CD videos — but I know that sometimes there are things that we can never recapture and it is understandable that people will want to have them .
2 doing things like that but I I I I believe quite strongly what Angela 's saying er , if you came to me and presented something ba ba , a total er , conviction that it might be in a sense damaging er the er the the the concept people have of your subject , or might have I would listen very carefully to that , and I also ta , I remember Gordon saying some time ago and whilst Gordon drove me crackers he talked about the government saying you 've got ta do this , you 've go and he said there are things that we must believe in as educationalists ourselves , and professionalists
3 Of course there are things that we would have liked to have seen such as multi-chapter documents and greater typeface and leading control but then there would n't have been anything to put in Version 4.0 , would there !
4 But there are things that we 're not avail er , we 're not aware of and I 'm looked on as something of an expert , so God help those people who come and ask me er , what there is , what forms they should use and what is available on the , in the organization , if I 'm looked upon as an expert .
5 it 's not a reflex action that the Labour Party somehow engages in , but there are things that we need to rave raise revenue for , such as investment in the economy , like our social policies , and that the way that we will raise revenue is that we we will have a fair taxation system , that is very straightforward , and agreed by the Party , unlike the Conservatives who firstly do n't recognize there is any purpose in investment in the economy , public investment , or investment in social policies they do n't agree with , and secondly , when they do have to raise money they do it in the unfairest possible way , penalizing most those who can least
6 I mean , you know there are things that we need to address in-house , to make sure that we give you er , an efficient service .
7 There were things that we had no more control over yet than the grass did over the developer who chose to plough it all under and build a factory on top .
8 There 's things that we are doing like I 've been told by a couple of people this evening the autumn programme they think it 's very good very progressive very enjoyable I thi that that to me that reinforces the autumn programme by several people so people who here are people here this evening feel they we say something about what is n't on the agenda or what is on the agenda but I think that 's what the meetings for but I do n't think it 's a bad exercise to talk to the people who actually pay come in the building I mean I think that 's a valid exercise .
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