Example sentences of "there [be] [adv] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are up to 8 rugose arm spines which are invested with thickened skin .
2 There are up to 8 straight pointed arm spines .
3 There are up to 360 incinerators working abroad and Britain also has a few systems .
4 There are up to 10 short only slightly rugose arm spines .
5 There are up to 250,000 sufferers in Britain today — about 20,000 of them in hospital at any one time .
6 There are now only 3,000 breeding pairs in the wild , but there are up to 30,000 in captivity .
7 There are up to eight parallel veins on either side of the midrib and a mass of cross veins connecting them .
8 The vast majority of these incomplete schools are in rural areas where classes are also large — the teachers ' union COLPROSUMAH claims that in some rural schools there are up to 120 children in a classroom .
9 There are up to four million quality control circle participants in Japanese industry and in large companies two in five workers are members .
10 Further , in some Australian languages there are up to four distinct sets of primary ( as opposed to special supplementary ) kin terms : ( a ) a set of vocative terms , ( b ) a set of terms which have an implicit first person possessive feature ( i.e mean " my mother 's brother " , etc. ) , ( c ) a set of terms which have a second person possessive feature ( i.e. mean " your mother 's brother " , etc. ) and ( d ) a set of terms which have third person possessive features ( i.e. mean " his or her mother 's brother " , etc . ) .
11 There are up to 3 flat pointed apical papillae flanked on each side by 4–5 flattened , pointed oral papillae .
12 There are up to 3 broad pointed apical papilla flanked on either side by 3 broad flap-like oral papillae .
13 Because there are up to seven outstanding maturities at any one time , the total number of observations was over 2000 .
14 Winter is perhaps most exciting , when there are up to 50 whooper swans from Iceland resident on the floods and meadows .
15 There are up to 400 000 birds present at a time : mostly greylag geese , wigeon , and coot , which spend the winter from November to February , and others which pass through en route to South Africa .
16 There are up to twenty-nine teeth in the upper jaw and twenty-five or twenty-six in the lower .
17 There are up to three rounded blunt apical papillae flanked on either side by 6–7 oral papillae , the proximal ones are blunt but the distal ones are more spine-like .
18 The Master Level Index is the main entry point to the entire system , below which there are up to three levels of functional refinement .
19 At other times in action there were up to 630 men in a Commando .
20 As there were up to sixteen different taxes , the more ignorant , who were usually also the poorest , were compelled to run to their more fortunate fellows for advice on how to calculate , time , and pay ( or avoid paying ) these complex dues .
21 Mr Hooker estimates that 12 years ago , when he paid £1.50 for his first grip , there were up to 100 collectors of whom he knew a couple of dozen .
22 Then , on Friday 29 October , inshore fishermen reported that there were up to 100 whales dead and alive , in the vicinity of Clay Hole ( see map ) .
23 Before the death there were up to 15 dogs in the house , as the family 's bitch produced two litters which were both kept — one set in the kitchen , and the other in a bedroom .
24 Other specialist courses are run by The Avenue Riding Centre , Malvern , Worcestershire ( Tel : 0684 310731 ) who show there 's more to Western style riding than meets the eye , and Red House Stables ( Tel : 0629 733583 ) for driving , of which a three day introductory offer is the most popular .
25 That there 's more to Normski than his manic public persona is obvious here , with the music playing , and the beaming photos of himself and Janet Street-Porter that are propped up through the house .
26 Five decades of work by the Italian genius prove that there 's more to fantastic footwear than Red Or Dead ( see left ) .
27 But there 's more to these 26th November recordings than famous and soon-to-be-famous names : take such as Kogo , Now 's the Time , Warming up a Riff and Billie 's Bounce represent Parker at what one might consider his recently matured best .
28 Bizarrely , it 's a pork butcher 's shop , and there 's more to this business than a bacon slicer and a few trays of pies .
29 There was another track after ‘ Happy Hour ’ that we could have put out that probably would have done just as well , but instead we went for a ballad , ‘ Think For A Minute ’ , to make people think , ‘ Jesus , there 's more to this group than I 'd thought ’ .
30 But there 's more to this agitated fivesome than meets the eye , like a heady dose of Huggy Bear 's violent femme fatale fury , and almost jazzy flicks from their drumming duo .
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