Example sentences of "there [be] [adj] [noun pl] from " in BNC.

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1 And there are other reappearances from the earlier novel .
2 There are other benefits from employing a toastmaster .
3 But there are other families from deprived and stressful environments who face difficulties in all areas of their lives and the children 's problems are yet another stress .
4 Yet if there are two bids from within the company that is to be sold off , a unique pre-judgment would be made by the Scottish Office about the superiority of one bid against another .
5 ‘ As you see , I spend all my time with my glasses , but apart from me there 's the coastguard who does his patrol every morning , there are two gentlemen from the town who never miss walking out here for their morning constitutional and on Saturdays , there 's the children , off from school …
6 a ) From : 7.00 pm — and for the first performance when there are two performances from 6.00 pm — GEORGE IV BRIDGE both sides and CHAMBERS STREET both sides .
7 There are two ways from Ullapool for southbound travellers .
8 Trial work has shown that on grassland particularly , there are definite benefits from injection . ’
9 There are many sources from which the farmer can obtain organic wastes for his soil , some from without and others from within his farm .
10 Mr Smith himself quotes the example of Brentford Nylons from the 1970s , but there are many examples from the past of accounts not being this innocent .
11 There is also a lively series of seminars organised by the Centre and there are frequent visits from distinguished overseas scholars .
12 There are better routes from dictatorship to democracy .
13 But there are substantial variations from country to country and region to region .
14 She says in the longer term there are substantial benefits from returning organic matter to the soil .
15 ( Though there are substantial deviations from this profile which we shall refer to below . )
16 This year there are 26 competitors from Barbara Priestman School , British Polio Fellowship , Carlisle Sports Club , Mid Northumberland Young Disabled Centre , Hartlepool Disabled Sports Club , Killingworth Fliers and North East Disabled Snooker League .
17 Oxford has started a new league : there are sixteen teams from all over the country competing , apart from the cycos there are the London Loonies , the Molesey Maniacs : its a whole new ball game .
18 Where previously REM have relied on their unique four-way telepathy to create their masterworks , ‘ Out Of Time ’ welcomes a string quartet into the picture and there are outstanding contributions from rapper KRS-1 and Kate Pierson of The B-52s .
19 The medicinal application of herbs can be traced as far back as a Chinese herbal written nearly 5,000 years ago , and there are Egyptian papyri from 2,800 B.C. listing such herbs as mint , marjoram and juniper for medicinal use .
20 Certain deficiencies , of vitamins or iodine , can be harmful , and there are serious dangers from mercurial or lead poisoning .
21 In America , there are similar moves from Marxists , but also from those who are in cultural terms centrists or moderate conservatives .
22 There are similar contributions from the other pairs of faces : .
23 Yet there are arguable benefits from practising selective assessment .
24 There are five canvases from the ‘ Transparence ’ series , predominantly blue in tonality , their honeycomb structures loosely derived from her study of crystalline formations in Egypt .
25 There are strong indications from those bureaux that see counselling as an integrated part of advice work that counselling does not extend interview times .
26 The boys of King 's College School ( not King 's college , as listed on the cover ) perform with appropriate gusto in the Lionel Bart numbers , and there are strong contributions from the adult professionals and the National So under John Owen Edwards .
27 There are grudging suggestions from the global banking system of debt relief for some countries in Europe and Africa , who maintain that they should n't have to bear the burden of an international capital shortage .
28 There are countless examples from most African countries of a similar negligence of completed investments , although some of this is a by-product of the nature of development aid , as we shall see in Chapter 11 .
29 There are beautiful marbles from Cyrene in Libya ; and the west has produced other things besides the architectural sculptures noticed in the last chapter .
30 Budget-holding GPs with budgets to purchase drugs , outpatient treatment and tests and a limited range of inpatient services will be working with an ‘ internal market ’ which is mainly Type I. There are some differences from the situation faced by DHAs in that such GP practices will be able to choose the population that they serve , but will not be responsible for the full range of services .
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