Example sentences of "there [be] [noun sg] [noun] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 There are question marks hanging over the appearance of major grass court stars like Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf , while both Monica Seles and Guy Forget are already sidelined .
2 Thomas Stocking produced the rococo plasterwork in all the main rooms , and in the eastern bedroom on the first floor there are plaster birds flying overhead .
3 There are ferry boats plying between different points , several sandy beaches , lots of yachts and dinghies and windsurfing .
4 There are insurance brokers offering policy terms who are used by the members of the Freight Transport Association upon express recommendation of that body .
5 Mycenaean Boiotia had indeed been open to the greater world , much more so than in classical times : in the Thebes Museum there are stirrup jars proving commerce with Minoan Krete , and there is even some lapis lazuli from Afghanistan , evidence of a Hittite connection .
6 Fashion and make-up have been with us for a very long time indeed — there are make-up palettes surviving from ancient Egypt — and although men in certain times and cultures may devote a lot of effort to their appearance , it has remained chiefly a feminine domain .
7 All his promises about being as discreet as the Ardakkeans wanted , and now there are FedPol squads clumping around half the galaxy ! ’
8 No flower show is complete without its fruit and vegetables , so there are demonstration plots showing how to grow cabbages , carrots and cucumbers both outside and in the greenhouse .
9 There are office girls reading paperbacks .
10 As the Minister stressed repeatedly , where there are take-up campaigns involving tens of thousands of vouchers or pro-formas , they undermine and devalue the system .
11 There are peregrine eggs disappearing regularly every year , ’ one source said .
12 There are prototype cars running off hydrogen , as well prototype aeroplanes .
13 Three of you are unlocked and you come down and there are prison officers standing everywhere — to me that was stupid , because if the women wanted to riot they would have done it in the dining hall there and then .
14 Thus , there are parish boundaries defining land attached to a particular church ; more recently , civil parishes , which in many cases only vaguely now relate to religious parishes , have been defined for administrative purposes .
15 How can I award it such heady status when there are railway links snaking between the mighty Alps that make the West Highland line look like Clapham junction ?
16 If there are symmetry operations relating equivalent groups , two other factors have to be considered .
17 There were alarm bells ringing in Edward 's skull .
18 There were warning bells tolling in his head .
19 There were newspaper reporters standing in the lane where he had lived , waiting all day for someone to come out of the house .
20 Oh I know , he said erm , let me see , oh he says , er like that , if it was a narrow road er you er pretty well covered the road and I looked , I said , covered the road , I said I know I 'm big , but not that big a and of course everybody , the magistrates on the bench and everybody laughed , you see and there were newspaper reporters sitting down there writing all this down , you see and so I said to the sergeant , I said , would you be kind enough to send me a newspaper to er tonight and he to I am not sure if I can oh yes I think I did .
21 There were brake shoes acting both on the wheels and on the track .
22 There were oil lamps hanging over the verandah , and they threw black shadows towards the mosque entrance , and towards the shop where clothes were sold , long since shut .
23 There were gun battles lasting eight hours on April 16 after Turkish police surrounded seven safe-houses of the extreme-left Dev Sol ( Revolutionary Left ) group in Istanbul .
24 And there 's Master Tristram pretending he 's not listening to his father , who might 've been sitting in the Fowey stocks by now if it was n't for that same father 's efforts . "
25 And you go back to light a sandbag , and there they all are , and they 're all a bit hot , it 's about , it 's like Hades , and there 's fork-lift trucks flying everywhere and you 've got pretty girls who in , in , in the team when you get down there and they start showing off , that 's alright , do n't mind that , and , and you 've got all these fork- lift trucks flying everywhere , and you 've got men carrying rolls of carpet and you 've got , you know , all this
26 There 's quare things happening in the office , ma'am .
27 There 's Daddy Dyance diving off desks and whacking boys with the cane — it was that kind of school .
28 Hard to talk though ; the machines are as noisy as the trains back at the flats and there 's pop music screaming out all day long from the radio wedged on top of the mantelpiece .
29 The fundamental problem confronting process measurement is that there is energy transfer taking place at what is effectively an infinite number of points in space and in time .
30 The corrosion emanated from the joint between the bottom of the pressure dome and the fuselage and there was nicotine tar staining on the edge of the corroded area indicating that it had developed over a relatively long period .
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