Example sentences of "there [verb] [prep] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To adapt the old joke , there appear to be at least eight separate opinions detectable in the summary and seven individual assessments occupy all but 38 paragraphs .
2 For example , for the acquisition of speech there has to be at least adequate hearing , an adequately functioning speech apparatus and the opportunity to hear others ' voices for imitation .
3 You can not make lace on your first row and there has to be at least one stitch between each hole .
4 Early in 1991 odour violation notices from the emissions regulatory authority were arriving at the plant at a rate of four a month — and to trigger a notice there has to be at least five complaints from neighbours .
5 That was how there came to be at Unseen University the Octavo , greatest of all grimoires , formerly owned by the Creator of the Universe .
6 The more Jane Holt mulled things over in her mind , the less cause there seemed to be for alarm .
7 There seemed to be at least two possible mechanisms .
8 Well there seemed to be like er Grove , er Road , Road , it , it seemed a bit better off you know .
9 There seem to be at least four overlapping requirements for librarians to take into account .
10 The manner of integration remains to be seen in practice when the two modes of working are operating fully but there seem to be at least three possible strategies .
11 During the 1960s these two sea-adventures were republished for young readers in Penguin 's Puffin division ; there was more confidence then than there seems to be in the eighties that the accessibility of Masefield 's story lines and his energetic prose would justify offering to capable readers in the early and mid-teens novels written for adults .
12 There seems to be in some patients a failure of recognition of self , and as a consequence the immune system turns inwards and begins to attack selected targets within the body , and when this happens disease may arise .
13 I mean both in the experience of , that I 've had and research that I 've looked at , there seems to be in terms of positive results , kind of strategy that are being used are strategies that , that both improve learning performance and improve emotional conditions for the child .
14 There looked to be over a pound of the delicious , translucent sweets the bag was bursting , spilling over so that a dozen or more lay scattered on the dusty floor , gleaming like diamonds through the wrappers .
15 One must hesitate before projecting these figures 25 years back in time , but it is already clear that for Les nopces de village there had to be at least two treble oboes , since two are required by the ritournelle to the récit .
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