Example sentences of "all the [noun] [pron] [am/are] " in BNC.

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1 It will examine all the factors which are considered when a household decides to move .
2 Yes we 've er spoken to the council as well and we 've er received all the authorities which are necessary from the York council and er everybody is happy on that .
3 Since these transformations must preserve the order of the data points , all the transformations which are powers of less than zero are multiplied by — 1 .
4 Yes , yes , oh yes I 've well you know the fires on that I had in all the winter I 'm going to get on that today .
5 It follows from this that any anthropologist who selects a particular category word from his own mother tongue , e.g. incest , marriage , family , myth , religion , and then embarks on some kind of cross-cultural study of institutions which he lumps together under such headings , is begging all the questions which are of serious interest !
6 It was further agreed that their structure , and the basis on which we conducted them , was a sensible way of covering all the questions which are at issue .
7 Surveillance equipment has been put on all the sets which are known , added Mr Wood , but even protectionists are not allowed to carry out work around the equipment during the November-June closed season .
8 Now it wo n't cure all the problems I 'm pretending that it will , but if we were to have proper seats , proper microphones , electronic voting I believe that it would show symbolically that the House of Commons was prepared to modernize itself and start doing a proper job in our democracy rather than the farce and the theatre which frankly turns so many people off in modern Britain .
9 ‘ My real worry is that it will be overburdened with all the problems there are in the community ’ .
10 We are therefore not so much talking about a single meaning as a true one versus all the others which are false .
11 now this particular question , this , it 's a very solemn and searching question , it belongs to a group of three questions found in the New Testament which have to do with a matter of salvation , the first one is , we wo n't look up the reference and that for time this morning , the first one is the question that the disciples put to Jesus , who then can be saved , that 's in Matthew , chapter nineteen , then there 's this one in Luke thirteen , are there few that be saved and then that very , very personal question that was put not to Jesus but to Paul by the Philippinean jailer in act sixteen , what must I do to be saved , three questions in the new testaments about salvation , who then can be saved , are there few that be saved , what must I do to be saved , you know as Christians you possibly found yourself , asking yourself the , the same question that these people put to Jesus , why are there so few Christians , look about our own town , think of your own neighbourhood , your own street , think of the place where you work how few there are who are followers of Jesus Christ , how few there are who have committed themselves to Jesus Christ to of receive him as their saviour , who 've have accepted him as saviour , how few there are when you compare it er to all the others who are rejecting him and er who are living their life regardless , how true it is that the great majority of people seem in , in this present day to have little time for God or for the things of God , they 've got time for all sorts of other things , but God and his claim on their life is crowded out , how many there are like that , how few there are who have submitted to Jesus Christ and have received him as their saviour or so it seems .
12 Of course they 're all putting their hands up by me see , and Da , I thought David would clock , and he never said a word , I thought he ai n't sussed it , anyway they went on this night out and the girls kept saying , Debbie saying oh Lynn just come , I said I ai n't got no intentions of coming , I said David 's going amongst all the others I 'm not going , so Debbie said why , I said why because David is nothing but a wanker , a lot , along , a lot of the others , she said , she nearly fell off the chair , gordon bennett she said I never thought you , I never realised you felt like that , I said Debbie if you knew half of what I thought you would fall off that chair
13 Yeah you w you would be saying , if there 's a husband and wife there and you said you died yesterday and if the , if the husband butts in you say you 're dead , you say nothing , all the plans you 're gon na do you never did , right , so you 're dead , you keep quiet you ca n't go back and have a reincarnation .
14 We wo n't actually make or do anything , but it will be really neat lying in the meadows thinking about all the money we are making on off-shore tax haven related business .
15 ‘ With all the money I 'm paying for your education , you should learn more than that ’ …
16 This assumes that all the women who are found to be carrying a child with Down 's syndrome will want to terminate their pregnancies .
17 Effectively I suppose , what the best thing to do is to check the T G I manual against the , against the erm ad-hoc procedure and providing it covered all the things which are in the ad-hoc procedure , it should be okay .
18 ‘ Although , ’ said Beuno thoughtfully , ‘ the second law of thermodynamics is extremely funny because all the things we are all so busy doing only hasten the inevitable end .
19 After all the things we 're doing for you .
20 She said , ‘ You just do n't see all the things there are to do in a family .
21 I 'm sure that Ruth searches her heart , she , she may of made her decision lightly way back to go with Ruth er , to go with Naomi but not now , its a heart searching decision she makes , the choice before her , do I go back or do I go , do I go on , do I go back to Moah with its familiarity with all the things I am aware of or do I go on into the unknown with my mother in law and with her god Auper makes a choice and she goes back and Ruth had , Ruth says no and she makes the commitment and she says there , in verse sixteen , do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you , for where you go I will go and where you lodge , I will lodge , your people should be my people and your god my god and its those last few words that makes all the difference , your god will be my god , I will not be a stranger there , I will not be an alien there , I will be part of your people , and the only way she could be part of Naomi 's people was for Naomi 's god to be her god , that was the thing that kept , that was , that was the common denominated should all of Naomi 's people , because they all belonged
22 His approach to such standards as Miss Otis Regrets , All the things you are and Maria was serious , but at the same time conveyed the feeling of sophistication so essential to this genre .
23 Here we have a stunning solo set of 14 songs including four Coltrane tunes ( Crescent ) [ and alternative take ] ; Lonnie 's Lament and After the Rain ) , standards ( All the things you are : I should care ; Willow weep for Me ) and tunes by Tyner 's influences and friends ( Bud Powell 's Bouncin' with Bud and Dexter Gordon 's Tivolo ) and a quintet of songs by Tyner himself .
24 Tyner 's achievement here is that , while all the tracks here are largely improvisations ( or at least spontaneous ) , and each is imbued with Tyner 's own sense of the appropriate ( including thundering chords in All the Things you are , for example ! ) , each has a fully rounded and selfcontained form .
25 Here we find songs which use the thirty-two-bar form but fill it with angular melody and tonally shifting harmony ( ‘ All the Things You Are ’ ; ‘ Body and Soul ’ ) or with polyrhythms ( ‘ Fascinatin' Rhythm ’ ) ; we find , too , a song like George Gershwin 's ‘ A Foggy Day ’ , which does not use a standard form , boasts a tune consisting almost entirely of leaps , rather than innocuous conjunct motion , and is structured with such motivic tightness as to be almost serial in method ( see Ex. 6.3 , p. 184 below ) .
26 You have to have a licence to have a C.B. and when you get your licence you also get given a rule book which tells you all the things you are and are not allowed to do and say when using the C.B. One of the rules is that you are not allowed to swear down the C.B. as anybody can listen into your conversation and hear you swearing .
27 Yeah , so yeah ah you 're alright so you 'll say yeah course I 'm alright , there 's no fee , so eventually I get to the point where I said look I did say there 's no fee involved but I 'd , I , that 's a bit of a lie because there is a fee for all the work I 'm er but it comes in the form of referrals , in the form of recommendation , not actual money .
28 We talk about London and Grand Isle , and all the while I am praying that he will ask us on his boat .
29 . ’ All the while I 'm thinking , ‘ Please do n't come to me ! ’
30 All the while you are praying that you wo n't be thrown off the top of some emotional Empire State Building , by having very similar news broken to you .
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