Example sentences of "all of them [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Running back down the avenue , daffodil leaves yellowing on its verges , young beech leaves playing with the light overhead , Nicandra felt purged of the morning 's unfortunate happenings : of all of them except the thrust of horror that had pierced her before the death of a lamb .
2 ‘ I think all of them except the dark bay . ’
3 In it 's short life , the Open University has seen tens of thousands of graduates , and literally millions of students … nearly all of them without an academic background .
4 Only three well-executed monuments have been identified as by Stanley , all of them of the 1740s and obviously reminiscent of those by Scheemakers .
5 So , for instance , if you wanted access to a management information system on your Unix computer , to an accounts system running on a mainframe , and to a spreadsheet running locally on the PC , it would be possible to reach all of them via the same windowing front-end .
6 All of them with the exception of Christine . ’
7 He might have been watching over all of them for a century .
8 Even the average consumption of these can be harmful for us. for many of us , reducing our consumption or even stopping all of them for a while is likely to help us in a number of ways .
9 Many people , both men and women , take up kung fu , not all of them for the same reasons .
10 State surveys other than the Census The state conducts several other surveys at regular intervals , all of them on a sample basis .
11 I spent almost all of them on a visit to a barber and on a meal , after which I felt my humanity returning .
12 The effect will be the same as in the distribution of a primary surplus : in the simpler system the transfer of a proportion of the available votes , the transfer of all of them at a reduced value if the senatorial rules are used .
13 Several men , all of them at the end closest above them , and peering .
14 His real advantage comes from being proficient in all of them at the same time , and this is a much rarer ability .
15 I need all of , all of them at the moment .
16 Thus an association of features leads to the attribution of all of them to a common agency , rather like the association of subglacial channels with eskers in a different context .
17 He had managed to endear himself to all of them within the week , and they shared his agony as he groped for the lines .
18 She mothered all of them in a way that Jennie could not now she was becoming more erratic .
19 Sam had been responsible for the departure of her mother 's lover , but Pam had not complained openly , since it put all of them in a bad light : her lover had been revealed as pusillanimous , Sam as a harridan and herself as a person of no control or strength of will .
20 The uncle 's car was an old Ford V8 with enormous fins and there was more than enough room for all of them in the back .
21 The sheer volume of the many assessments externally required by the Act and now under design by SEAC runs the danger of forcing the less confident teachers — indeed all of them in the first instance , as they ascend the steep learning curve — into ‘ rote teaching ’ , a much more dangerous activity than rote learning because it tends to shut down that sense of intellectual curiosity without which children are not really being taught .
22 This month he offers some suggestions on nipping all of them in the bud .
23 However , since fourteen topics were listed , even fairly full courses must have paid quite limited attention to any one topic , in order to cover all of them in the time available .
24 He conveyed the idea that she had known all of them in the beauty of her youth and theirs , and most of them had been her beaux .
25 I told her — as I am happy to tell you — that I had met Clare Mallender on three or four occasions , all of them in the company of other people .
26 And it 's not just Cancer and Heart Disease and Child Abuse and the Homeless and the Disabled — all of them in the utmost need of support .
27 What she meant was she had always appeared so caring to all of them in the house .
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