Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] say [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although Quattro Pro 4 ca n't be said to make any task easier than in an equivalent Windows spreadsheet , what it does prove is that with very little limitation a DOS product can manage the same job as a Windows product any trouble at all .
2 Clark simply refuses to allow that such behaviour by a creature lacking language transforms the content of what they can properly be said to fear or be distressed at .
3 That the windscreen wipers started to work can properly be said to have been caused by a set of things including the state of the wipers ' mountings and the smooth surface of the windscreen as well as the switch 's being flipped .
4 For communication involves the notions of intention and agency , and only those inferences that are openly intended to be conveyed can properly be said to have been communicated .
5 As the economy grew that happened , although the goal of stable real spending can only be said to have been achieved up to 1990 if the returns from privatisation are included to reduce the total — essentially a cheat .
6 Even as recently as 1982 , Robbe-Grillet would explain his transgressive narrative techniques by relying on the Sartrean concept of contingency ( see Oppenheim 1986 ) : the disruptive narrative syntax conveys the fragmentation of man in the world , the absence of meaning in his novels can thus be said to correspond to the gratuitousness of existence .
7 Ideas concerning human nature can thus be said to constitute a human universal .
8 A single market can not be said to exist unless companies incorporated in one member state are permitted to do business in another .
9 I must repeat , it is not the purpose of ‘ Documenta ’ to choose representatives from different countries : the Italian artists involved certainly can not be said to represent Italy .
10 Even if the column baseline is zero , the column height can not be said to represent anything real .
11 If it is accepted , as I argue , that a judge , when sitting in his court , is frequently required to make decisions which involve an assessment of where the public interest lies and so to make a political decision , then he can not be said to act neutrally , although he may still be the person best suited to make that particular decision .
12 Its title is misleading , since the Georgian interiors are few in number , and can not be said to give much idea of their period .
13 Answer ( b ) is an example of ellipsis because does can not be said to substitute for sing in the above question .
14 A covenant may very well have reference to the land , but , unless it is reasonably incidental to the relation of landlord and tenant , it can not be said to touch and concern the land so as to be capable of running therewith or with the reversion .
15 The ‘ stepped pyramids ’ may be characteristic of the Cornish landscape , but they can not be said to sit naturally in it .
16 At p625 he stated : A vendor selling property to a purchaser can not be said to lend him the unpaid portion of the purchase price .
17 In all , this incidence of reported problems can not be said to suggest much more than the occasional misunderstanding , difficulty or other problem which must mark a small proportion of virtually every type of consumer transaction .
18 Since Raymond Oliver 's assertion to the effect that your , dairyman always has one of the great vintages of French Gruyère can not be said to apply to any of my dairymen both the questions of authenticity and of relative skill with the fondue set are academic .
19 As long as expenditure can not be said to apply in support of specific candidates , national party campaigns do not fall foul of the election finance restrictions .
20 ( 1.2 , 1.3 ) Our conception of necessary connection can not be said to require any facts other than those stated by these conditionals .
21 And , if she has a sister who is going out of her mind , I have had a mother eighty-nine years old and senile , I can not be said to deserve any further burdens nor to have failed in carrying out my duty .
22 A rescuer who acts to save a person in danger and is injured , can not be said to exercise the free choice which is necessary for volenti .
23 For example , this particular entry , which is itself a text , coheres within itself , but its component elements can not be said to relate , or cohere , to the previous or following entries , except within the context of the whole handbook .
24 If the purpose of damages is to compensate a victim rather than punish the perpetrator , then a successful plaintiff who passes his award to charity can not be said to have been compensated in any way .
25 Sir : The suggestion of Mr Varcoe-Cocks ( letter , 5 October ) that if I win damages for libel and give them to charity I ‘ can not be said to have been compensated in any way ’ is extraordinary .
26 I can not be said to have a life outside these four walls .
27 If a country does not have control over its tax and expenditure , then it can not be said to have control over anything , since everything comes down to money in the end .
28 On the right , while Italian and German agents were active in Spain and sympathetic to the Spanish right , they can not be said to have exerted pressure upon it or materially to have assisted it in subverting the Republic .
29 As guardians of its wildlife , Hong Kong 's British tenants can not be said to have done very well , though in the last ten years there have been attempts by Hong Kong conservationists to save what is left .
30 With the exception of a few of the non-manual workers , concentrated in the first group , early retirement can not be said to have been chosen from a position of strength — namely , possessing financial security , good health , and the option of continued employment .
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