Example sentences of "can [adv] [vb infin] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No good to man or beast since Chernobyl They 're still radioactive , he explained ‘ Still ca n't eat their mutton . ’
2 I ca n't eat my coleslaw .
3 There 's gronnies lurking about in me coffee , I do n't see why I ca n't eat me bun .
4 And do n't worry if you ca n't eat your pud .
5 If we ca n't eat your food , we might as well die . ’
6 The British ca n't change their policy and negotiate with these terrorists , can they ?
7 ‘ You must take me as you find me ’ , ‘ A leopard ca n't change his spots ’ and other maxims take an essentially pessimistic view about the malleability of behaviour .
8 Good grooming reaps instant benefits and , while you ca n't change your looks overnight or develop instant muscle , a sophisticated scent will speak millions for your confidence .
9 I mean , they ca n't change your skin can they ?
10 ‘ Copper Blue ’ , meanwhile , is released on September 7 and features nine tracks including ‘ Changes ’ , live favourite ‘ Helpless ’ and a new version of ‘ If I Ca n't Change Your Mind ’ .
11 Virtually every track is a winner , though it 's the optimistic ones which shine through initially , like the recent ( prophetic ) single ‘ Changes ’ with its sinewy lead guitar line , and Side Two 's poppy ‘ If I Ca n't Change Your Mind ’ .
12 There are still glimpses of Mould 's feeling of uselessness — if not with himself , then with his relationship with other people , borne out by the aforementioned ‘ If I Ca n't Change Your Mind ’ and the earlier ‘ Helpless ’ .
13 ‘ You ca n't change your mind at this point , ’ said my mother , carefully reasonable , and ignoring this imbecile talk of nuns .
14 ‘ I ca n't change my past , ’ he says , ‘ but I can have a damn good try at the future .
15 I ca n't change my way of thinking , though , and I want to go home , even if you think it 's childish . ’
16 " Dear Miss Monroe , but you have been Sara in my mind for so long — Miss Lockwood 's great-niece Sara , Jenny 's sister Sara , and now my fellow householder Sara and my landlady Sara — I ca n't change my thinking .
17 I ca n't change my face , so I 've learned to like it , and like who I am .
18 ‘ I meant what I said , and you ca n't change my mind by caveman tactics . ’
19 I ca n't change my mind about the name Lemarchand as suddenly as this . ’
20 We ca n't change our style and we wo n't . ’
21 We ca n't change our view now .
22 So you ca n't ignore their alcohol content .
23 I know you never considered Madeleine was the right girl for me and no one in this whole world knows me as well as you do , so I ca n't ignore your opinion , even though I 'd like to .
24 ‘ He ca n't lend you money .
25 if Labour get in and they ca n't fulfil their promises
26 I ca n't waste my life sleeping .
27 ‘ Of course , tomorrow is Monday and Jones goes back on air , so perhaps he feels he ca n't waste his energy on you tonight . ’
28 ‘ You think that if I do n't know about your affairs , it ca n't disturb our relationship .
29 It ca n't bother her Bev because the amount of noise that we get through the walls is so bad and she 's in it , she 's actually there with the animals barking , so she takes no notice whatsoever of them
30 ‘ Obviously I ca n't bother my father with them yet .
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