Example sentences of "can [verb] [det] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus Andrew Sutton can comment that conductive education can produce results ‘ which seem quite beyond the expectations of children growing up with cerebral palsy and spina bifida elsewhere ’ .
2 I 'd like your guidance , if you can spare another few minutes . ’
3 That I can make that prim mouth curve into a delightful smile … ’
4 Success in this field is going to become even more important as we move into the 1990s and beyond and I hope that in this book I 've been able to give you the benefit of my experience , to pass on the kind of backstage know-how that can make that vital difference between winning and losing .
5 Yeah , it really is stupid having all these left overs , alright as I said before I can make all that kid stuff , but in the end I 've got too much to take over
6 However , precisely because they can make such fine distinctions at the lexical level , they may well prove unstable for the purposes of recognition .
7 An extensive survey of obsolescence studies by Line and Sandison , however , concludes that the librarian can make little practical use of the concept of obsolescence .
8 If you use the covenant form attached to this leaflet you can make each annual payment at any time , or by any instalments , you wish as long as you make the full annual payment by the end of each 12-month period .
9 This is an area where we can make much more progress and I 'm delighted to see the advances that have already taken place .
10 The printed invitation can make any such timing clear .
11 Reverting now to spatio-temporal relations , the assumption of their irreducibility to monadic predicates is linked with the assumption that they depict an objective order , and if such relations are taken to depict an objective order , then it is clear that we shall have to assume the possibility of a plurality of biographically distinct points of view , occupied by different percipients , before we can make any significant inferences about the ontological distinguishability of their terms .
12 There are relatively few circumstances when examination of a book by a librarian can make any significant difference to whether or not the book should be selected for a library — especially so since the biggest consumers of approval collections are public libraries , who do not claim to be experts in any particular field .
13 It is perfectly conceivable that we can make some general statements about the conditions that influence our self-indulgence or self-restraint in relation to rules laid down and enforced by the state , particularly when the nature of those rules and the way they are enforced are included for consideration .
14 A couple who watch the classified ads can make some outstanding furniture buys .
15 I can make some revealing comparisons between my constituency and the neighbouring borough .
16 So if you 're a third man , or a third woman for that matter , look out for the specially selected hotels at which you can make some fantastic savings when a third person shares a room .
17 ‘ We can make some reasonable seats with dead twigs to keep our bottoms off the damp ground , if you like .
18 When people have taken too much drink it can make some strange situations , especially going into the locks
19 This can make those rare beings quite boring — an accusation you could never level at Jack .
20 She 's got a private code book but the point is that only she knows how the symbols , how the manifest and latent relate to each other , because only she can make those associated links .
21 In fact , he was telling me only the other week , about the the number of criminals that he knows , they 're serving their they 're serving sentences , and they 're only one thing they 're longing and hoping for , it is get out , so they can knock another old lady down ,
22 ‘ In the future , we hope to try a number of relatively simple manoeuvres to see if we can slow that destructive process to prevent diabetes , ’ says Eisenbarth .
23 d ) If , at some point , a program can output several different expressions on the same channel , or assign several different expressions to the same variable , some subtle difficulties appear .
24 His method shows how one can explain many physical phenomena , including the speed of sound in air and the colour of light from a glowing furnace .
25 This view of physics sees it as a body of knowledge , or a system , which can explain all other bodies of knowledge .
26 The probability that a power law can explain all three observations is therefore less than 5% .
27 The users can compare all these possibilities and develop a prototype before making up their minds on a final design .
28 The physiological and psychological mechanism by which pain can override all other signals is complex .
29 On the other hand , Type II systems by allowing patients to seek treatment anywhere , may avoid inequalities resulting from Districts having different priorities , since patients can override those local priorities by going elsewhere for treatment .
30 One of the aims is to look at the links between commercial and industrial policy in order to see if one can devise any common criteria to distinguish legitimate goals of industrial policy from capricious protectionism .
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