Example sentences of "would have [vb pp] more [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You 'd have thought he 'd have had more sense . ’
2 I would have done better if I 'd have had more time .
3 Singer John Matthews says : ‘ If we 'd have spent more time on the record we probably would have ruined it . ’
4 The Jessica I 'd known then would have felt more enthusiasm for a Christmas cracker bangle than she was showing for her gold bracelet .
5 Frank played left midfielder/winger in a 4–5-1 formation ( with Jostein Flo from Sheff.Utd. at the right flank and debutant Geir Frigard from Kongsvinger , Norway , as the striker ) and did well , even though ‘ Drillo ’ Olsen would have wanted more movement off the ball from him .
6 Here and there I would have liked more intensity in nostalgic song ( not least from the lyrical cello ) and more devil-may-care abandon in the livelier dance episodes .
7 Whilst Britain was genuinely concerned about honouring its debts there was a high mindedness about it which shut out any consideration of alternatives which , by reducing the obligation to maintain the value of sterling , would have given more scope for domestic planning .
8 This probably resulted from the fall in sea level during the glacial period , which would have exposed more land around the continent , allowing the mantle to spread over a wider continent , to cover what is now shallow sea-bed , and to thicken inland along the line of the present coast .
9 A butterfly would have exerted more pressure alighting on a flower petal .
10 She said another member of the family would have been able to help after the theft but it would have caused more inconvenience .
11 Kids would have made more mess .
12 One possibility is that the DGSE somehow hoped that by buying the dinghy in London blame for the operation would be placed on MI6 , although in this case it would have made more sense to buy one made in Britain .
13 But I think if we 'd made ‘ Rumours ’ then ‘ Mirage ’ then ‘ Tango ’ and then ‘ Tusk ’ it probably would have made more sense from the listeners ' point of view .
14 One of the arguments of the present paper is that the reforms would have made more sense and been more appropriate for our purposes had we successfully translated and adapted the lessons learned from the North American experience with case management , focused on the real messages of the PSSRU experiments , and waited until the RDP case management evaluation was complete ( Cooney , 1992 ) before contemplating the introduction of the reforms .
15 Surely , with your background , something in the hotel line would have made more sense ? ’
16 Knowing Carol , of course , it would have made more sense to ask if I 'd come out of things in one piece — the piece in question being in the genitalia region .
17 Perhaps you and I would have spent more time together .
18 Co-operation would have meant Stalin liberalising his rule , the people would have demanded more freedom from the State .
19 But in the latter establishment customers would have demanded more space and comfort .
20 Even this would have demanded more water than could be afforded .
21 Mr Lamont forecasts that the economy will be growing at the rate of three per cent per year in 12 months ' time ; he would have carried more conviction , if he had not made the same ‘ jam tomorrow ’ forecast a year ago .
22 From a writer who edited Elle in its snazziest phase you would have expected more nous .
23 The recorded balance might have been improved so far as the Berg is concerned had the soloist been fractionally more forward , and an extra desk each of first and second violins would have added more weight .
24 He would have earned more income on the seven thousand pounds .
25 The ancient boiler had sat in sullen silence for ten days , a drifting cave under a mountain would have offered more comfort .
26 Oliver would have had more sense and initiative .
27 If it was not for her , this Council would have had more opportunity of addressing some of the deep problems the Tories either created or left behind .
28 They would have had more chance of getting established in the late 1980s .
29 Cardinal Suenens pointed out to him that although no one could say he had no right to produce Humanae Vitae on his own , it would have had more credibility had it been collegially prepared .
30 The women weeping over an open coffin in a Rowlandson drawing of c.1760 would have had more reason for grief had the merchandise not come up to their expectations ( Col. 6 ) .
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