Example sentences of "would have [vb pp] such a " in BNC.

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1 What might be called a conservative legal-constitutionalism is a consistent theme within Tory-Anglican thought throughout our period , even though not all Tory Anglicans would have argued such a position at all times with the same degree of commitment .
2 As I have just indicated , the anthropologists of Tylor 's generation would have viewed such a suggestion with contempt .
3 This development on the green belt of Ipswich is partly because of the Conservative Government withering away the planning powers of borough councils , who in the past would have dismissed such a planning application as this , on the grounds that housing and industry should not mix and that it is desirable to have a green buffer zone between the two .
4 Although Carlson felt there was some connection with the chaos and anarchy erupting over the Althosian system he was sure none of the Freedom Party supporters would have devised such a ruthless method for annihilating the elite .
5 By the end of the period of imperial expansion , in the middle of the twentieth century , it was widely believed that everyone in the world should be a citizen of an independent and sovereign state and should have the same rights as all the other citizens in the state , but in 1500 very few people would have understood such a notion .
6 It occurred to Lyn — fleetingly , to be gone in a moment that most men would have broken such a thing more gently to their wives .
7 If anything , the return of the land to the practising farmers by the land Acts would have strengthened such a morality .
8 How could he believe that she would have done such a thing ?
9 No sensible designer would have conceived such a monstrosity if given a free hand to create a flatfish on a clean drawing board .
10 In any case , Liza 's mental state would have made such a journey alone with Celia quite impossible and Harriet was glad not to have to admit to this .
11 The defence is called " fair comment " — a misnomer , because it in fact defends unfair comment , so long as that comment is honest : " Every latitude must be given to opinion and to prejudice , and then an ordinary set of men with ordinary judgment must say [ not whether they agree with it , but ] whether any fair man would have made such a comment …
12 The sense of injustice created by such a system would inevitably work against its deterrent effectiveness ( Beccaria always acknowledged the importance of consent in producing compliance ; it is difficult to imagine how his version of the social contract would have allowed such a system to operate ) .
13 Not only were most holdings too small to provide much work for hired labour , but the big villages that would have housed such a workforce did not exist .
14 L.G. would have left such a detail to a secretary but S.B. likes to write his own cheques and address his own envelopes .
15 In some circumstances I would have welcomed such a discussion .
16 ‘ Because he would have had such a responsible job , he had to have the absolute backing of both countries and he clearly did not and would have been in an impossible position .
17 The Intelligence Corps instructor who had taught him the trade would have had such a lock open with one twist but Maxim was out of practice and the lock was old and arthritic .
18 Galileo could not believe that a genius such as Archimedes would have used such a crude method .
19 He believed Maureen would have mentioned such a story if she had heard one and he took the view that she had no proof whatsoever .
20 I doubt if an English court would have awarded such a sum ; but the liability would exist .
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