Example sentences of "would not have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm they would not have gone through the same sort of occupation .
2 The conditions of the moral economy have been met , okay the landlords have been forced to if one accepted that was the way in which the peasants saw the world they would not have gone beyond that .
3 They are convinced she would not have gone with anyone willingly .
4 You would not have gone to them with a theory of the death of Jesus — you would have gone to them with great wonder saying : ‘ It is incredible , but our Lord is alive .
5 ‘ If I was lonely , I would not have gone to a teacher and said so — he would have told me to pull myself together .
6 He would not have gone to Munich himself , he said , but he praised Chamberlain 's courage for acting differently .
7 She would not have gone to bed and she knew it .
8 There 's a lot of people who er do n't , who would not have gone to the bother of going into the shop and buying a one pound or two pound or four pound
9 The neutrinos and antineutrinos , however , would not have annihilated with each other , because these particles interact with themselves and with other particles only very weakly .
10 The new art-form developed by Plato would not have existed without Socrates , who , in any case , seems to have felt some misgivings about the sufficiency of rationality himself .
11 He hoped he would not have to go during the night .
12 She was delighted to see me , as it meant she would not have to go on her own , and she stood over me while , complaining bitterly , I changed into my jacket and returned with her to the revels .
13 I would n't get dressed until the last minute because I thought I would be late and therefore would not have to go to school .
14 In this case , the laws of science would determine the universe completely ; one would not have to appeal to some agency external to the universe to determine how it began .
15 The presence of muscle type nAChR or nAChR-like protein in the thymus has been reported previously ( 25–27 ) , however antibodies and probes used in these studies would not have differentiated between the two variants of α .
16 The concept of enforcement involves — as the word implies — the use of force , compulsion : one man 's right is enforced by others being compelled to do what they would not have done of their own free will .
17 There was nothing he could have asked of her that she would not have done for him .
18 Had he been an ordinary shop assistant it would not have done at all .
19 These are eminently sensible things , which Reagan would not have done at gunpoint , and much the same themes run through the more contentious measures .
20 A widely accepted understanding of power is that it is the ability of A to cause B to behave in a manner intended by A that B would not have done without A 's intervention .
21 Lord Coleridge C.J. observed , at p. 457 , that the corporation would not have insisted on payment of the dues if they had known the facts .
22 Such dreams would not have fitted with her image and for years she had squashed them firmly , but they were still there and the name Andalucía had brought them racing back .
23 While the TMI accident would not have progressed to the stage it did had it not been for human error , it highlighted the fact that reactor designers and operators had to give more attention to the reliability of the system and its components , and their interaction under accident conditions .
24 They would not have felt at ease if the beach had been entirely unpeopled , and indeed it was not , but over here balls would not bounce nor running youngsters kick sand up on to their towels , and there was the shade essential for Jack , which his wife had still to remind him about .
25 However , I think that the evil would not have appeared through violent fighting and killing , but through spiteful arguments and petty fights .
26 ‘ You would not have asked for Lina unless you liked the old lady . ’
27 The best of the autograph collectors would not have accepted for one minute that their pursuit was the poor relation of manuscript collecting proper .
28 Some of the stimulus for this came from a survey of senior medical students , yet when 30 current house officers were consulted all but two said that , though they would be happy to have the opportunity to apply for both jobs at one hospital , they would not have applied for a one year block contract that restricted them to one hospital .
29 Even if Article 36 bis had been included in the Vienna Convention on International Organisations it would not have applied in this situation .
30 The alpine char we had already caught at 220 m , weighing around 220 g each , would not have registered at that depth .
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