Example sentences of "would n't be [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 But you know I still think that I 'm drawn towards that sort of teaching , performing that kind of role erm and that would n't be fulfilled by librarianship at all .
2 You 're making an assumption that damage would be caused erm by the development of certain sites , and that it would n't be caused by the development of other sites .
3 I did n't care if it was raw , if the pangs of birth were ugly ; I wanted to be somewhere I would n't be defined by what I 'd been , where I could fashion a new notion of myself and impose it on others as the truth .
4 The exception to that of course is York but York would n't be affected by this open countryside policy er at all .
5 to Stokesley , who if she screamed through a bloody bullhorn would n't be heard by anybody ?
6 If , in the future , he could provide Rose with a bathroom she would n't be troubled by such inhibitions .
7 Of course , when it came time to write the bill , there were great problems in choosing the exact words to be employed so that it would n't be seen by anyone as a ‘ Euthanasia Bill ’ .
8 Tremayne and Gareth would n't be crippled by undeserved shame .
9 Stephen said it would , though Dadda 's mood would n't be improved by it .
10 It came to him that he could lock the door , there was a bolt on it , but this conjured up the vision of her battering on it , for she certainly would n't be deterred by the fact that she was raising the house ; she would know that Mary was the only one in it at the moment .
11 The school could n't afford to adapt the toilets or playground so that younger children would n't be scared by the older ones , so the situation was less than ideal .
12 The nuns had gasped and gone to the Mother Superior for reassurance that they would n't be infected by the infidel in their midst .
13 Her brooding sense of unease would n't be placated by his explanation .
14 He would n't be drawn by Yanto 's urgent appeal .
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