Example sentences of "would need to be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd need to be much better to be up with Alan in the results , ’ he says ‘ but I 'm improving .
2 You see yo really you 'd need to be you 'd need to be only need to be paying back about four grand you see , though ?
3 The debut of a SMP version of NT was , Sequent admits , partly an effort by Microsoft to allay reports that Windows NT would be severely limited in symmetrical multi-processing environments , and would need to be heavily re-architected ( UX No 398 ) .
4 It it would need to be either one or the other I think .
5 • Your description is of someone who suffers from an ‘ endogenous mania ’ , though your husband would need to be clinically assessed to confirm this .
6 Apart from this statutory function , such an Association would need to be largely self-financing , which implies a structured system of membership subscriptions .
7 They were a highly volatile entity that would need to be properly channelled , if not contained .
8 Either the top or the bottom step would need to be just one sleeper high , to give a total rise of 2ft 6in ( 75cm ) .
9 Reform would need to be deep rooted , but existing structures could be modified .
10 It would focus on specific knowledge or skills ; the test questions would need to be carefully designed to reveal any lack of understanding which may exist .
11 Such a proposal would need to be carefully thought out , and presented to the electorate well before an election campaign .
12 The method of compartmentation would not , of course , be brought into action until a delay period had elapsed to permit the escape of personnel , and the timing of the foam application would need to be carefully controlled in order to leave sufficient time to permit the foam to fill the volume before the fire took substantial hold .
13 Their legs would need to be proportionately stronger , more like a reptile 's or a mammal 's , in which case they would need to have the metabolism of either a reptile or a mammal .
14 Under the RES the number of constituencies allotted to each region would need to be proportionately related to its percentage of the national electorate .
15 Such a decision would need to be clearly defined in terms of a line dividing what was acceptable from what was not .
16 We were almost into November now and I did n't need to be an expert navigator to work out from the charts , and the Admiralty Pilot lying open on the chart table , that to be into the south of the Weddell Sea in time to take maximum advantage of the summer loosening of the pack we would need to be away not later than end-November .
17 This we think we can discount for a number of reasons : first , the magnitude of the risk aversion would need to be rather large for the result ( that an increase in a is good ) to be reversed ( particularly when the reservation value is generally above the mean price ) ; second , subjects were paid proportionately to their total profits over 16 decision periods ( 32 decisions ) so that any risk aversion would already have been significantly averaged out ; third , the subjects appeared to be trying to make as much money out of the experiment as possible ( implying that they were behaving in a risk-neutral fashion ) ; fourth , the majority of the responses to two questions on the questionnaire indicated risk-neutrality .
18 First , it is clear that they would need to be mutually oriented ; they would each need to be aware of what the other was doing at any time .
19 However , the emplacement vessel or platform would need to be highly sophisticated — perhaps a larger version of the Glomar Explorer .
20 Clearly , the relevant funding body in England , the LEA , would need to be highly committed to the aim of ‘ equal opportunity ’ before making the necessary financial and administrative arrangements .
21 Mr Beckett makes the point that before embarking on such a venture the land would need to be fully assessed to determine the stocking rate .
22 In discussing proposals with parents and the LEA the governors would need to be fully aware of the possible educational and financial consequences including the terms on which support services for special needs would still be available , and at what cost , from the LEA or elsewhere .
23 However , it is a very important issue which would need to be fully addressed in any debate .
24 Each case is considered very much on its merits — there are no hard and fast criteria — but they would need to be very sure of your motives in adopting .
25 Evidence to justify the court 's declining to decide a case ( if such a course is ever justified ) would need to be very strong and specific .
26 But , if the wife has been in receipt of the advice of a stranger whom the creditor believes on reasonable grounds to be competent , independent and disinterested , then the circumstances would need to be very exceptional before the creditor could be held bound by any equity which otherwise might arise from the husband 's conduct and his wife 's actual failure to understand the transaction …
27 Even if our ears could respond to sounds of this pitch , we would need to be very close by to eavesdrop on their conversations .
28 I shall not comment further , except to say that the consequences of such a step would need to be very carefully weighed .
29 We will look later at whether this sort of action would be sufficient to answer the question of legal status of the e-mail ‘ record ’ and how this extraction process would need to be very clearly structured and closely managed to allow such routine deletion .
30 Really the only reason I could think of when it 's you know it is important to put things on paper are really like the last three bits that we talked the last three things we talked about which detailed information would need to be there so people can read it when you know it 's got to get to a lot people not all in the same place at the same time or when it 's you need a copy .
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