Example sentences of "would need [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Usually to be defined as child sex abuse I think w for most authors there 'd need to be some kind of discrepancy in the ages in some way , that is y'know if somebody was about thirteen and the other person was about eighteen it might be ah starting to get er a big enough discrepancy to be outside the realm of of y'know kind of normal y'know sort of boyfriend and girlfriend to use those saccarinous terms erm relationships and maybe might be considered to be er to be something like child abuse .
2 She 'd need to be careful .
3 She would need to be extra sensible and down-to-earth to cope with Adam now .
4 Councillors were told that the Home Office would need to be sure that the additional bylaws were needed to cope with a specific problem before they could be approved .
5 The deadline is Monday 3rd of May , but I would need to be sure the article will arrive ( sooner if you can do it ) .
6 This was 53 , which would mean that 53/ ( 53+5 ) =91% of all trials of the effect of vitamin A on childhood mortality would need to be unpublished .
7 The Consortium would need to be convinced the Carmel Woods IDO was sufficiently important to merit further action .
8 Looked at more closely , however , the Greek example is not as powerful or effective as Goody and Watt would have us believe and we would need to be cautious in drawing any general implications from it .
9 The agreement was based on the famous — some would say infamous-five principles : unimpeded progress to majority rule ( already enshrined in the 1961 Constitution ) had to be maintained and guaranteed ; there would have to be guarantees against retrogressive amendment of the Constitution ; there would need to be immediate improvement in the political status of the black population ; there would have to be progress towards ending racial discrimination ; and the British government would need to be satisfied that any basis proposed for independence was acceptable to the people of Rhodesia as a whole .
10 The units could have a counter top and there would need to be efficient lighting .
11 It is agreed that an appropriate vehicle for the transport of the plaintiff in the future is a vehicle called a Nissan Serena , the plaintiff claims for a cost of conversion of such a vehicle at six thousand , two hundred pounds , it would need to be renewed of course from time to time and allowances made for that , the defendant says that a firm called can convert the same vehicle for less than the tenth of the price , six hundred pounds , Mr says that such advantages , if any , of the conversion for which the plaintiff claims are so minimal that it can not possibly be right to spend ten times the money on achieving them .
12 Similarly , just as when expectations of inflation were zero actual inflation of 5 per cent might sufficiently fool workers to generate an unemployment rate of 3 per cent , now , if expectations of inflation are 5 per cent , actual inflation would need to be 10 per cent to fool them by the same amount as before and hence generate the same unemployment rate of 3 per cent .
13 What essential information would need to be available when dealing with an enquiry from a conference organiser ?
14 This would mean that a supply of dollar bills would need to be available at UK banks .
15 You would need to be selective and have many to choose from if you wanted to make regular use of this kind of material .
16 Notice that the technique is extremely difficult to apply to the potentiometer divider of figure 8.1(c) because the resistance ratio can be varied continuously to alter the division of potential , and any introduced ratio of parallel capacitance would need to be capable of being varied in sympathy .
17 For this the school has twin responsibilities for the presentation of both languages ; it would need to be bilingual itself .
18 No complaints about roominess up front but , surprisingly for what ought to be a five-seater , three in the back would need to be qualified weight watchers .
19 A quarter of them said a pub would need to be full of ‘ my type of people ’ to warrant a visit .
20 Secondly , they would need to be aware of the interactional domain ( e.g. their scope for movement , and the properties of objects around them ) , and be constantly updating this as it was affected by their actions .
21 More massive stars would need to be hotter to balance their stronger gravitational attraction , making the nuclear fusion reactions proceed so much more rapidly that they would use up their hydrogen in as little as a hundred million years .
22 The practice would need to be able to accurately check the blood glucose , weigh the patient , examine the eyes and record the results .
23 Rather , we would need to be able to trace the development of our naive physical concepts , distinguishing their earlier , sensorimotor , forms from the later , linguistically-informed , semantic contents and inferential patterns .
24 Fourthly , each would need to be able to produce acts conditional on the other producing acts , thus securing the chains of interdependent acts typical of interaction .
25 To produce an impact on economic growth , the benefit would need to be considerable .
26 If a Maestro was going to appear , however , he would need to be swift .
27 In order to be persuaded by this justification one would need to be satisfied that the price is worth paying , that is , that alternative arrangements in which power was more widely diffused would not be preferable , even though this might mean that the system produced less wealth overall .
28 The agreement was based on the famous — some would say infamous-five principles : unimpeded progress to majority rule ( already enshrined in the 1961 Constitution ) had to be maintained and guaranteed ; there would have to be guarantees against retrogressive amendment of the Constitution ; there would need to be immediate improvement in the political status of the black population ; there would have to be progress towards ending racial discrimination ; and the British government would need to be satisfied that any basis proposed for independence was acceptable to the people of Rhodesia as a whole .
29 The true social and environmental costs of this form of extraction should be reflected in new planning guidance that lays down demanding criteria , based on Flowers ' recommendations , that would need to be satisfied before planning permission could be justified .
30 It would need to be evident that the activities were integrated into the curriculum of the school/college , and that , for the company , the partnership was seen as essential to the planning process , like the development of a new service or product .
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