Example sentences of "would find it [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If we had n't heard so much about him from Robert , we 'd find it impossible to imagine that this bloke was anything but the most upright of citizens . ’
2 I do n't think you 'd find it easy to explain my torn blouse and dishevelled appearance , do you ? ’
3 I think you 'd find it hard to recognize the old railway station now .
4 Even if she did claim to know who it was we 'd find it difficult to convince a judge , without far more proof than I have at the moment . ’
5 ‘ Well , you got a nice way with you , Sergeant Joe , ’ said Mrs Beavis , ‘ and I do n't suppose many women would find it easy to say no to you , whatever you wanted . ’
6 He would find it easy to allow that attraction to grow and take what he wanted from her , then cast her aside without a second thought .
7 However , this feature was new to all the subjects , and it may be that after one or two sessions most people would find it easy to use .
8 More appropot , though , is the fact that a user that knows only Windows would find it easy to use and become productive in .
9 I could understand how she felt ; I realized that anyone who convinced herself that , when she took the holy biscuit she was uniting herself with God , would find it easy to convince herself that in death she would be united with her daughter .
10 Governments would find it easy to cut taxes and unbalance the budget when unemployment was rising , but there would be a lot of resistance to raising taxes to create a surplus of revenue when prosperous times returned .
11 The routine at this stage never varied It was unlikely that he would find it necessary to leave his office until the time came to visit the missing girl 's parents and in the meantime he was capable of giving the usual orders while half asleep — which he very nearly was , having been called from his bed not much after five in the morning .
12 But , having regard to all the circumstances , and particularly the nature of the second mortgage , I for my part would find it impossible to say that I was convinced that the appellants had the necessary intention to act in contempt of court .
13 One tutor or clinical teacher would find it impossible to work in isolation .
14 Mr Edwards reiterated his warning that the Government would find it impossible to privatise British Coal without such long-term supply deals .
15 If you would find it impossible to think in terms of a whole morning begin with an hour or so .
16 From witnessing multiple performances of Hamlet , I would find it impossible to speak about a singular , authoritative version of the play .
17 It argued that without them : it would not be possible , in practice , to operate a system of resale price maintenance because it would be impracticable for each publisher to specify his own conditions of sale ; booksellers would find it impossible to comply with all the varied terms imposed by different publishers ; booksellers would lose their assurance that they were not being undercut ; and the Association itself could not effectively monitor individual resale agreements .
18 But he claims his request for details of the regulations was refused on the ground that they are ‘ very severe ’ and that Cameron Balloons would find it impossible to meet them .
19 If France remained without an ally who could force Germany to fight on two fronts she would find it impossible to match German numbers because of the difference in the birthrate of the two nations .
20 Lack of uniform enforcement of EC laws meant that companies would find it cheaper to move elsewhere , he said .
21 Before reading this chapter you would find it helpful to revise the anatomy and physiology of :
22 Anyone unskilled in wood bending would find it helpful to read a more detailed description of the process , which can be found in most books on guitar or violin construction .
23 Most experienced physicians would find it useful to refer to and in my opinion no postgraduate library or teaching practice can afford to be without a copy .
24 Tt erm the magazine , a magazine 's a good way of getting referrals I ca n't remember who it is , somebody who er Ken I think it is , er uses the magazines as a great way of saying erm you 've read that in the magazine , you 've found it useful , tell me what about the chaps at Excon , who , who else would you work with who would find it useful to have a subscription , some kind of subscription , who , who should be placed on our mailing list .
25 If this is of limited interest , say a knitting wool , you would find it wasteful to go on TV because so many viewers would not be knitters .
26 Without this the theory would find it difficult to explain why latent inhibition should be seen with inhibitory conditioning in the test phase .
27 If they are members they would find it difficult to refute charges of a breach of the Code of Conduct .
28 If the legislation was passed he would find it difficult to remain a diocesan bishop .
29 However , he could still find it difficult to recoup his joining fee if he could not find new members for the scheme , because he would find it difficult to sell the goods .
30 Such clusters will provide support for teachers and for pupils and will create economies of scale which will allow schools to provide extra resources which they would find it difficult to fund out of their individual budget .
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