Example sentences of "would have [vb pp] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 But of course , had Alexander 's argument and Lewis 's interpretation of it been irrefutable , had it been the kind of thing which compelled religious certainty , then all the philosophers in Oxford would have fallen to their knees when they had finished reading it .
2 It was in French North Africa that British airborne troops had first been deployed on any scale , and Leslie would have heard of their exploits in seizing airfields and other strategic points in Algeria and Tunisia .
3 In other words , the same people who would have emigrated on their own will be assisted by government programmes .
4 None of the four had met Morse yet , and did n't know how strongly he would have disapproved of their beverage .
5 Yet the last in the little series of stories about the ark would have recalled to their minds the story of chapter 4 , and would have reminded them that though they were irrevocably , for better for worse , for richer for poorer , the people of God , they did not have God in their pocket , and could never keep him there .
6 Walk across the terrace from the Birthplace Museum to the Conservatory , which you will find packed with many of the tropical plants which Cook and his botanist , Sir Joseph Banks would have seen on their voyages .
7 A challenge perhaps , but heaven knows what Mr Donovan 's fans would have done with their bedroom posters if he had turned out to be gay .
8 You have to ask yourself how you think you would have done in their place .
9 Most people would have run for their lives .
10 Most people would have keyed in their birthday as one of the few six-digit numbers — if you put a zero in front of single figures and for the months up to October and just the last two digits of the year — they can remember apart from their telephone number .
11 Laura would have approved of their aims , which almost a century later , stood as a beacon for her own philosophy ; they were ‘ to protest against the introduction of any fashion in dress that either deforms the body , impedes movement or injures health … and to promote the adoption according to individual taste and convenience of a style of dress based upon considerations of health , comfort and beauty and to deprecate the constant changes of fashion that can not be recommended on any of these grounds . ’
12 If anyone had told her that her granddaughter was on drugs she would have laughed in their face .
13 If someone had told her what was going to happen she would have laughed in their face .
14 It must have been clear to the Prussian government that if it had not been for government subsidy the Junker estates would have collapsed under their own weight long ago , but they were nevertheless incapable of striking at what they saw to be the basis and guarantor of their state and society .
15 Indeed , as a component , it was found that the units themselves would have sold on their own merit .
16 In short , he begins to display precisely the comportment his contemporaries would have expected of their rightful king .
17 When I finally took off the overtrousers , the fleece trousers I was wearing underneath were completely dry , which is what I would have expected from their three-layer Gore-Tex construction .
18 She had not spoken so elaborately for some time , and Betty knew the warning signs ; so , whereas with anyone else she would have appealed to their better nature , in this case she held her tongue .
19 ‘ We could have signed to they on the type of deal that would have worked against their own long-term interest in relation to creative control .
20 Before 1988 , people facing deportation could have appealed to an ‘ independent Adjudicator ’ or an Immigration Officer who would have looked into their cases , including any compassionate circumstances , and could stop the Home Office from deporting them .
21 Observers were said to be surprised at the decision to hold elections during the Christmas holiday period , when most Kenyans with jobs in cities would have returned to their rural homes in areas where they had not necessarily registered to vote .
22 If payable it will be assessed on the difference between the purchase price of the new house if this is of an appropriate category and the estimated ( lower ) price they would have paid in their existing location for a broadly equivalent house .
23 The band probably exaggerate the effect a Cossack-flavoured version of ‘ Those Were The Days ’ would have had on their career .
24 It is an irony that underlying this kind of dispersal policy , which can of course be criticised , is a reliance on the old skills that the private librarians would have had at their finger tips .
25 Angela had always preferred old oak and mellow English fruitwoods to mahogany , and was attracted to country furniture because it was the sort of simple , practical furniture that ordinary people would have had in their farmhouses or cottages .
26 It was cheaply designed , the kind that villagers would have used in their homes .
27 I 'm firmly convinced that if we had been operating under the old style of management , making a consensus decision , the clinicians would have got to their clinical representative and said there 's no way we want that — we want everything twice as big and gold-plated taps because patients will die , etc. , and their rep would say , " I 'm sorry but it 's completely unacceptable to my colleagues ' .
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