Example sentences of "would have [vb pp] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If you 'd have said please David I
2 Nevertheless , Messrs Jarvis did produce an ingenious creature which , with its standard outer case , would have fooled even Burke and Hare .
3 Dinosaurs would have inhabited both daytime and night-time niches determined by regular modes of activity under the control of biological clocks ; i.e. the circadian rhythm .
4 If Labour had eliminated these plans from its programme and continued to emphasise John Smith 's prudence ( as opposed to his curious ideas about minimum wages and confiscatory ‘ social justice ’ ) , then they would have swung more London and Midlands marginals their way .
5 Stephen would have liked further education , though he had n't expected Oxford or Cambridge or even , say , Nottingham .
6 Well i is n't if you 'd asked me last August when we bought the I would have said probably Radio Brittany or Radio Rouane
7 They would have stirred up trouble for nothing .
8 The king was more distressed by his death than by that of any other person except his own sister , and it seems certain that Berkeley would have received further advancement had he lived .
9 The United States would probably have reverted to isolationism as happened after the First World War ; Congress would have cut back Defence spending , starving the US defence/industrial base ; and American big business would have looked elsewhere for profitable enterprises .
10 Andrew Stavanger would never touch it — even when he needed a bank overdraft , and to use the deposit would have kept down interest charges , he preferred to keep it intact .
11 Before the Macintosh such capabilities would have cost around £25,000 .
12 Even leading a relatively simple life on Tour would have cost around £12,000 in expenses alone if a professional had played in all 21 events last season .
13 At the beginning of the 1980 's a typeface would have cost around $4,500 and you would probably have had to wait a couple of weeks while it was digitised from some master copy .
14 The fact that a deceased 's widow would have given up work to start a family but for the deceased 's death is not a matter to be taken into account so as to increase her dependency on the deceased from the date that she would have given up work ( Malone v Rowan [ 1984 ] 3 All ER 402 ) .
15 It is quite likely that to have attempted more would have done more harm than good : at all events , nothing more was attempted .
16 On that basis , Shell would have saved about £3 million by reducing its stake in the well .
17 ‘ If we apply the levies to the last full financial year , they would have raised almost £2million£1.6m generated by transfers and £360,000 from prize money . ’
18 Even if 150,000 tons of traffic had been carried as Gordon Thomas hoped , the lockage would have represented only 25% of the total .
19 Withdrawal of labour , in the literal sense , would have been impractical and , more importantly , would have caused further destruction to my self-esteem in that without work ( schoolwork ) I should have had and have been less than the nothing I already felt myself to have and to be .
20 Neither she nor the grandchildren had any knowledge of training ponies so that would have meant further outlay for someone to break them in and this justifiably , is not cheap .
21 The cylinder was filled with a compressed chemical that would have smothered both Sweetman and me in an avalanche of nauseating foam .
22 Outgoing Prime Minister Yitzak Shamir was reported on June 27 to have said in an interview with the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv : " I would have carried on autonomy talks for 10 years and meanwhile we would have reached half a million souls in Judea and Samaria [ the West Bank ] …
23 The only good thing , the only good thing about La the only good thing about Labour is that they would have brought back student grants so if I ever , if I ever do go to university then I 'll get lots of money .
24 It is true that a substantial body of opinion in various parts of the world would have preferred to see whether relying on sanctions for longer would have brought about Iraq 's withdrawal .
25 At this time the universe would have contained mostly photons , electrons , and neutrinos ( extremely light particles that are affected only by the weak force and gravity ) and their antiparticles , together with some protons and neutrons .
26 But equally , the alliance should nut be dated too late in the 430s , because then it would have cried out fur mention at some point in the book i narrative , where the immediate ‘ alleged reasons ’ for the war are rehearsed at length .
27 By comparison , an Equitable Life 10-year endowment policy , with monthly premiums of £30 , would have produced about £8,399 .
28 Van Gogh 's Sunflowers according to an estimate from James Roundell of Christie 's Impressionist department , would have fetched around £4–5 million in 1980 compared to £30 million plus today
29 The handle would have measured about 5in in length and terminated in a point .
30 Lloyd 's List had earlier reported the Kharg/northwest Europe voyage as particularly profitable : a VLCC at current rates could pick up $3.7 million at W40 which would yield a 25 per cent profit , compared with W27 a month earlier which would have earned just $1.5 million .
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