Example sentences of "would have say it [is] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd have to say it 's a great deal lower percentage than most employed people pay because there are all sorts of expenses a partnership can claim .
2 I 've been trying to work out which issue of Woodworker — while editor — I thought was best , and as none come directly to mind , I 'd have to say it is this one .
3 ‘ It is n't brilliant , ’ said Caspar , ‘ I 'd have to say it is n't brilliant or clever or even very subtle .
4 The third thing , and I gu would have to say it 's a bit of a red herring thrown out by Mr Curtis is the issue of traffic growth con concern on traffic growth .
5 No erm su er no hang on , hang on my regional , they want my regional accent er well I would have said it 's standard received northern .
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